Yes it's that time of year when I start to panic. :scared:
I'm talking about Xmas decorations.
I decided to put the Christmas Tree up on Thursday night i.e. whilst dammie wasn't here. When he saw it yesterday he said it looked "beautiful, but a bit to classy & tasteful"
He's currently gone out to get his car fixed and I wouldn't be at all surprised if he came cack with a 6ft singing snowman :shock:
I've had to ban him from buying any "festive related accessories" because given half a chance the house would look something like this.
whilst browsing this morning I found this:
So what I'd like to know is:
Is this a "man" thing?
Do all men like to have the biggest, brightest, loudest, tackiest decorations?
Now I know a lot of people actually decorate their houses for the kids and will have decorations up that they've made at school and that's all part of the christmas experience IMO.
What I'm talking about is what you as adults actually like?
Am I being a bit too sensible with my decorations? or is there no excuse for tack?
What's your opinion?