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Tattoos - again

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Ok, so i've decided to get my tattoo FOR DEFINITE now!!
I'm getting it on the bottom of my back, BUT what i really want to know is.... does it hurt?? and if so, how much?? and is there any way i can stop the pain????
I had two tatoos done a few years ago, one on each of my shoulders.
I can't lie to you - the outline really hurt but once that was finished the colour was OK!!
It can't have hurt that much as I am thinking about having another one myself - and I'm not in to pain rotflmao
Go on - be brave!
Quote by dazandlou
Ok, so i've decided to get my tattoo FOR DEFINITE now!!
I'm getting it on the bottom of my back, BUT what i really want to know is.... does it hurt?? and if so, how much?? and is there any way i can stop the pain????

It's a tattoo!!! It is putting a permanent mark under the layer of skin so think does it hurt???
I would be lying if I said it didn't... however it is a different kind of hurt...
The most painful part that I found was outlining the tattoo... which uses a finer set of needles...whereas the filling/colouring in part of it uses a large amount of needles and tickles but then after the outlining the sensitivity of it has numbed up somewhat..
It also hurts more when you have the tattoos applied to the more sensitive areas... Where bones are close to the surface and where there are alot of nerve endings..(nipples genitalia etc)
As far as I am aware there is no way of avoiding the pain,, definitely wld not recommend going getting yourself pissed for dutch courage any tattooist in their right mind doesn't tattoo somebody that is drunk...
I would not want to put you off having them done however... I started off thinking I would get one and ended up with a shit load... they are addictive and it is a bearable pain although at times uncomfy! so get it on and get one done...
i have not got any tatoos so cant say really, but i DID hold my friends hand whilst she had hers done... and THAT bloody hurt.. i can tell you!
could barely move my fingers for a week!
Hiya lou, yes it does hurt i agree with everything said especially the outline! but once thats done the numbness kicks in and i would have another one done when ive lost a bit more weight. I want one going across the bottom of my when i'm drawing my pension and ballroom dancing you cant see it lol
love peppsxxxxxxxx wink
Hi DazandLou.
In my own experience, I would agree with most of what's been said already. The only thing I would add is FFS don't have anything tatooed on your rib cage. Probably not over any bone where there isn't a fair amount of flesh covering. The two I have on my ribs were done for very special reasons. One more than the other. I'm going for another shortly, when I decide where to have it.
In short - yes it hurts; but much less than some other things.
Lou honey,yes it does hurt but it is worth it.
Wheni went to have mine done i looked down during and saw how much he had done and was pleasantly suprised,its fairly quick.
As long as you dont have a complicated design.
Be brave youll be fine wink
Mine hurt a little bit and I'm real coward ... it's a bearable sort of pain though and afterwards just felt like sunburn (at worst nettle rash). i was told to put preparation H on mine and it worked a treat.
I agree that they are addictive and I will be having another soon ...
Edited to add that I had mine done on my boob ...
Tattoos hurt in the sesitive places. When you do get it done, dont rub/scratch the area. For the first week it will be ok but you hill get hairs getting though and scratched like hell
I'd agree with everything said so far. My wife had a large tattoo at the base of her spine last year and out of the 7 she has she said it was the most painful. However, she is having another soon so it can't be that bad. Apparently compared to child birth its a cinch.
The aftercare is very important and some times overlooked.
Don't soak the area in the bath for at least 3 days after having the tattoo. Showers are OK but only pat the area dry don't rub it.
Keep it clean. Some tattooists recommend covering the area with cling film held in place with surgical tape. Do it for 24 hours and it stops a real bad scab forming. We have both done it with our last few and it works. Appatrently it's what they do in hospitals with burns.
Lastly get a product called Tattoo Goo. It keeps everything nice, helps the tattoo heal and preserves the colour.
Best advice, go to a good tattooist. We use one in Salisbury - Matt at Sharp Practice near the cinema - he's excellent.
Check the work he / she does and ask to see photo's. If in doubt walk! You will have it for life and a messy tattoo can be covered up but it's allways best to get a good job done first time.
I don't know if i am the only one but i love women with good tattoo's. I think they look really sexy!!!! :shock:
A good tattoo it seems is hard to come by(or used to be).
It seems to me that most tattoo's go a very dark color and all detail fades.
I like a vibrant tattoo or a small discrete one.
I have no tattoo's and don't wear jewelery, I guess it's a personal thing.
I have no objection to others abusing thier bodies.
Respect to artists who create these thing some are a work of art, and recirients could be a pain when being worked on.
I once met a girl who's boyfriend had tattooed a large eagle across her shoulders(wings spread landing pose). Very impressive.
ive had my back waxed and that hurt like hell so a tattoo is going to kill on the bottom your spine
well god knows where u lot went for ur tatoos!!
ive got four now!!
got both shoulders done, n my right arm done twice!!
i wudnt say it hurt, its more annoying really!!
my ex girlfriend and her mates have all got on at the bottom or the spine
n well my x is a wimp n i was there wen she had it done n it didnt hurt!!
but yeah after dont pick it or strach it as u will pick of bits if the design!!
put savlon skin healing cream on think its in a blue tube, and yeah wrap
cling flim on it!!!
but dont pick!! my first one i had done was all in black n i picked at it, n it went very dis
coloured, he bits i picked went like a blue colour, hence a month later i had it redone!!
I,v got three Tattoo,s one on my shoulder one on the side of my leg and one on the base of my spine, the small one on my leg was the worst , i think it,s because it was on a muscle but the outline is the worst but it, just heavy scratching, but on the base of my spine that bad but he did hit a ticklish spot though and iwas told to sit absolutely still. I found that difficult as i wanted to laugh. lol
Yes it does hurt.
And yes, you can stop the pain.
But why?
I have several tats. Part of the joy of having a tattoo is knowing what you went through to get it. After all, would you want a Ph D that you got by downloading a thesis? Maybe some people would but in reality they are losers in a way that they could probably never understand. .
If you really want to stop the pain, you could always try drugs and is dangerous and stupid. However, I strongly recommend hypnotherapy. After all, patients have been known to have limbs amputated while hypnotised and tooth extractions are commonplace.
I am not a masochist and certainly not into pain as a form of gratification.
I have a theory that the pain associated with getting a tattoo causes the endorphine system to kick in and that this gives a temporary buzz of sorts. I have heard marathon runners describe a similar phenomenon when they hit the pain barrier.
A tattoo is for life, not just for Xmas.
I usuallly allow a year topass between the time that I come up with or discover a design I like and the time of booking an appointment with the man with the gun. If I still want it after a year, the chances are that I will be happy with it for the rest of my life.
ive got tattoos
and had one done on the base of my spine/back
go for it but make sure its something you want for the rest of your life
ive been told mine is very sexy when im in the old doggy position ... :kissmyarse:
its gonna hurt but its bearable the spinal bit is nt as painfull as other areas
take a picture of it if you get it done to show us :twisted:
SO............................... Todays the big day!! I should be going down to the tattoo place at about depending on when my friend gets out of bed!!! Am feeling very nervous but very excited!! Thanks for all your advice, i'll remember it when i'm thinking of bottling out!!!
I agree with the majority of posts here:
The outline did hurt on my first one (I have 3 now - shoulder, base of spine & left arm), but the colouring in just became increasingly hotter.
As the tattooist said once you have had 1 done you will be back for more (He was correct), thing is I found because it's an unnatural pain the first time is by far the worst, but because your body has been accustomed to the pain once, when you get any subsequent one's its a real doddle & hardly hurts.
My friend has had numerous ones done & he said the worst he had was a devil with his son's name on underneath it on his arse.
Please remember though don't let anyone rush you into deciding which one you want, if needs be sit & look at them all before deciding because it will be with you forever.
My last (& favourite) one was a tribal pattern, but I refused to have it all black (I thought because everyone had them I wanted to be different), so I had a word with the tattoist to see what he suggested, I am glad I did & I am so happy with the result - it starts at black at the bottom & slowly get shaded through blue, green, red, orange & finally yellow at the top.
So just because you see a pattern there on the wall / in the book does not necessarily mean you have to have it exactly like that.
Anyway I hope all goes well & you choose a cracker
The WHOOSH man
Best way to describe the way tattoo feel is.....iimagine a really small suede brush (the ones with the metal bristles) being pressed into your skin really hard and dragged along!....basically it is bearable....just! lol confused :lol:
i have a meet tomorrow night,
this lady is way out of my caliber. she has said that she is tattooed and will it put me off...................... god the art of discovery........ the unvailing.............the anticipation............. she said it puts some people off. but, unless it's a facual or a comment you disagreed with ( strongly) it's body art enjoy...............
i can't do it, not beciuse i'm necessarily soft, but, at my house i move and replace my pictures at whim, you can't really do that with body parts. :-(
Our Avatar is what i have tattoed on my chest, left side, on my heart smile
Because it was close to my heart it made it much worse apparently and hurt like a bitch for the outlining, but when he filled it in that was ok, mainly because it had gone numb by then lol
Karen has a spider on her left shoulder, she said that it was'nt to bad at all.
the tatooist said after I had 5 done at different times that the pain is free but you pay for the ink :haha:
Quote by dazandlou
Ok, so i've decided to get my tattoo FOR DEFINITE now!!
I'm getting it on the bottom of my back, BUT what i really want to know is.... does it hurt?? and if so, how much?? and is there any way i can stop the pain????

Lou I had a small tattoo on the base of my back, a small one as it was my first. It took about 20mins, and yes it did hurt !!!! , the only time it didn't for me was when he had stopped. I half expected a burning sensation afterwards, like you do when you have your ears pierced, but no pain at all. But I'm glad I had it done. So good luck with your choice of design, and let us see it when you have it done..And let us all know how you got on....... smile
Any update on the tattoo visit yet.
Did ya do it or not?
If so I hope you were happy with the result.
hi there
well chris has 3 tattoos (one on each arm and a band under one of them) and i have 4 (both upper arms, shoulder, lower back) and although chris says that his band hurt the most, it was bearable. i have to say though, that i didnt really find being tattooed painful and the one on my lower back was really quite pleasurable ... when i told the artist, he said that was quite common.