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A friend of mine has been pestering me for a while about getting a tattoo with him, i know i want one but i'm really not sure what i want. A few years ago i was going to get *The music doesnt belong to you* tattooed somewhere due to a fiasco i had with a record deal but i chose not to. I dont want to get something I'll regret. Has anyone here got tattoos, if so what? x
I've got a dragon on each arm and two dragons entwined on my lower back. Also a worm smoking, on my shoulder.
Mr FB has a wolf on one arm, an American Indian on the other arm and a band with feathers around one arm, below the wolf.
We love tattoos smile
Seen another dragon I like - it's blue but I want it purple or red. Don't know where though.
Just a cute dragon on my arse but I am currently looking for something else confused
I have 4 with another 4 that I intend to have once I've saved up - will be over £300 for one of them alone! :shock:
I have always loved the idea of having angel wings on my back, but thats totally unoriginal and i know that for it to look good i'd have to have a toned back all the time. Someone once suggested the idea of having guns tattooed on my stomach so that when i wear jeans they look holestered but that seems tacky to me.
Personally I will never get one, A friend once said if you want one wait 2 years and if you still feel the same way then do it, if you have doubts then DONT do it once its there it cant be taken away. Yes I know you can have laser shit done but it will never be the same. a tattoo is for life, what will you feel about it when you are 70
but thats just my opinion
It's not so much what, but where? A tat on a shoulder or forearm is fine for life - one on a belly that gets saggy or a butt that droops when you are 70 is going to look awful.
I'm hoping to get one - but I want it to be detailed and neat, not a mass of ink. Hard to find one I like.
I've got two, one on my thigh and an indian feather with rose and thorns down my lower back. I'm currently thinking of one on my inner calf but just initials of my kids incorporated in a claddagh. This would be the only one on show but I tend to get them where they are mostly hidden until of course I'm on holiday for example. cool
Quote by Ukwineman
Personally I will never get one, A friend once said if you want one wait 2 years and if you still feel the same way then do it, if you have doubts then DONT do it once its there it cant be taken away. Yes I know you can have laser shit done but it will never be the same. a tattoo is for life, what will you feel about it when you are 70
but thats just my opinion

Good bit of advice :thumbup:
I waited 18 months from deciding I wanted one to actually having one done. I kept looking and suddenly one day Ian and I walked into the shop for yet another look and we both loved what I have. Even when I decided, I booked it giving myself a few days to think again before I had it done.
I will without a doubt have another one and I am looking often now although probably won't have it done until the middle of next year.
I have two discreet tattoos. One I like, one I regret. I'm not personally a fan of tattoos on women, but seeing as I don't feel like one I'm ok. lol
I love my tatoo's, i have two but have at least two more waiting to be done when i have the finances. I wanted tatoo's for years so thought long and hard before going under the needle.
How will i feel about them when im 70? my tatoo's are part of me and will age with me, lets face it if/when my arse gets droopy and is dragging across the floor it aint gonna be a good look with or without a tatoo!!
If you have any doubts dont do it, a tatoo is for life not just for christmas lol
It took me 20 years to pluck up the courage to get mine done :lol2: It's on my back and most of the time is not visable. I am not looking to get another one though, the pain was enough to put me off :lol2:
And anyway, by the time this generation hits 70 there are going to be tons of pensioners covered in tattoos. I will be there, sat with my jack daniels and cocoa, looking at my tattoos as if they are a picture book of my life.
My main advice is to know what you want before you go in, avoid the flash on the walls and go to an artist who is able to design something specifically for you, and expect to pay lots of money for a good artist. Ask people who have really cool tats for thier advice, and don't get one on the spur of the moment just because you've plucked up the courage - once you have one, it is hard to get rid of, and covering up or removing bad tattoos is costly and difficult.
Sorry but I hate tattoos. See older men with them all wrinkled and think yuk. So I have no tattoos and never will have. Its gratifying to know too that most men I play with say what lovely smooth soft skin I have, which is usually tanned as I'm a naturist. I look forward to old age when others have blue skin and I will still have golden brown skin :smile2:
DD biggrin
I quite fancy having another one done but finances dictate this wont happen for a while yet...
I had my first tattoo done last week. The pic is on my profile - taken a couple of hours after it wasd done. It is situated just above my left butt cheek!
I've always wanted a tattoo - it's taken me 18 years to get this one! I knew exactyl what i want and even still have the picture on my noticeboard 10 years after I found it.
I love my tattoo - maybe 'cos I've yearned for it so long but also 'cos i did it! I hate pain of any type and was shitting myself about this but I went and did it! It wasn't that bad either.
I've now caught the bug (everyone says it's addictive). I already know what my next two will be:
a 3inch butterfly on my ladylawn. beautiful colours and delicate design. The middle body part of the butterfly is the back of a naked woman standing with her legs crossed and her arms up and outstretched into the wings.
I chose that spot for a few reasons - I prefer tattoos to be discreet and also 'cos I have small scars there (from some evil bitch who waxed me - badly!!!) and i want to draw attention from that. Also, it's naughty! I like the idea of something cute but sexy in a rude place!
The other one is difficult to explain but it's small and swirly - the artist will draw it freehand, it's his fad atm - it's girlie and will run down the little finger on my left hand and down about 2 inches of the side of my hand.
That second one came as a surprise to me, as like I said, I prefer tats to be discreet - as in, covered up and only viewable by certain people - but he showed me what he was gonna do and I just fell in love with it.
I also have a vague idea for something fairly cryptic that incorporates my daughter's name and our shared birthday. Originanally, I wanted it at the back of my neck but not sure on the pain factor and I've been told that few artists will tattoo that area for some reason.
No offence Drew, but there seems an awful lot of doubt in your desire for a tattoo so if I were you i wouldn't do it just yet. You need to be 100% sure.
I;d advise that first you need to really fall in love with a particular design and want it so much you have to have it. Like everyone said, it is forever.
The other alternative is to have something very small and discreet in a covered area just to see if you really really do like it?
I don't much care what i might look like when I'm 70. i worked in nursing homes for years and I've seen it all. Like Gothic-Punk said, it is like a picture book of their life.
Myself & Mr G are both lovers of tattoos...
...but please take your time making your decision.
I have 2 on my back both birds and just recently got another, 2 dragons entwined, on my thigh. It took me over a year to find the design i wanted. Unfortunately i rushed into my first and regret that one now - not the fact i got a tattoo just that i didnt take the time to choose something with more thought!
Now Mr G, well i see him as a peice of art in progress smile
Mrs G x
ive got a few that were done to look like 1 but havent finished yet!all my back will be covered,but i havent found the right design yet!! ive spent about a grand and think i;ll have to spend another 500 before its all you definately have to think carefully, i did and only had my 1st done 2 years ago, but then the bug bit and i cant get enough now wink :wink: xj
I have 3, 2 I love, the 3rd one the tat artist added a bit, with out asking me first! and even now 3 years on I am still annoyed about it.
(and before anyone tells me I should have stopped him while he was doing it, it is on my back and I couldn't see what he had done till it was too late)
Make sure Drewxcore, it is what you want to do, and you are doing it just to please your mate.
lve got 11 tattoos,on the neck,a scorpion and a love heart with a sword thruogh it,and a love heart with wings.
on the arms the other 8,one with my partners name panther,grim reeper,the rest to do with football.
dont regret having them think l will not have anymore done.
I have a few tattoos tho to be honnest i wish i'd never had them, choose very carefully cause they are with you for life, i have had one covered up and intend on getting a cpl more covered, not cause i want more but cause i now dislike my old ones and think getting them covered is a better option than living with something you dislike
I have far too many to mention, and don't regret any of them. I did put a lot of thought into every single one.
The advice people have givn on here is spot on. I dont think I have anything else to add about advice.
And yes they do hurt, but in my opinon its worth it!
I have 8 and regret getting 2 (one on each wrist) that match done as when i got them done i didnt think i'd have the situation were i'd not like them but now i dread to think about them and if i get married...but i love all the rest i do love the design of the 2 i have it's just the wrong place lol
I am wanting another done soon but it is alot of money and something you will have for the rest of your life. You must think wisely lol as everyone has said.
Also i have had some nasty comments in passing before about them as not everyone likes tattoo's so b prepared...not that it happens much.
Yet my partner has none...
:doh: DOUBLE POST bloody internet lol
I've got a rose on the top of my arm which was a cover up of my ex's name. I've also got a very small flower on my back which I plan to have enlarged and a bird of paradise tattoed with it. biggrin
Just want a Wolves FC logo on arm but im chicken lol
I got 5 tatoos and love them all and i want more my other half is getting one to when he gets the money he wants a full back one with a dragon and castle and trees ect lol
Quote by goose35
Just want a Wolves FC logo on arm but im chicken lol

dont b chicken !!! lol in get turned on byb em wink :wink: xxj
Quote by goose35
Just want a Wolves FC logo on arm but im chicken lol

Want me to come hold your hand for you Goosey dunno
Honestly, it really isn't that bad :thumbup:
Ye dont be a chicken hun im one of these people who hate pain im the biggest wimp going but i loved it. go to a tatoo convation and watch it being done its amazing there is one this weekend in newport and if you like what you seem u could get one there and then thats how i got my feet lol