What do we all think about tattoo's on women? Personally i love 'em but only if:
1) They are fairly artistic ie not Mum and Dad across the knuckles
2) They are well done by a good tattooist. I see so many crap tattoo's that look blurred and just awful
My wife has 7. All can be concealed so that if she feels it's not appropriate to show them she doesn't have to.
However mostly she loves to show them off. Her's are all beautifully done and are mainly fairies and flowers.
Any one else got an opinion?
I have one ... at the moment.
I have a small scorpion tattooed on my left breast. I intend to have a couple of others ..... a cherub face with my kids names tattoed around it, and possibly a Little Miss Naughty one too (although I'm not normally into girlie tattoos).
I'm also toying with the idea of a piercing or two. I'm thinking them over at the moment though ... if I take my time I'm less likely to regret doing it at a later date.
Like the sound of yours Calista.
Don't know about the piercing though - you must be flippin brave.
Totally depends on the tat. Mine are like your mrs's... can be hidden.
Oh, except the one on my wrist.
i lurve my tattoos and peirceings........ :twisted:
I have one ... at the moment.
you will aways have one darling
Up to apoint I like tats and piercings , A peircing you can let heal up , a tat is SERIous decision and I prefer small discrete and timeless and not too many , one or two are enough .
But thats only my opinion , and your body .
I like them, particularly chinese symbols and celtic stuff, and I love the art in the more complex tattos, but I can`t ever see me getting one done, I`d probably wish I`d chosen a different one some time down the line, plus, I pick, can you magine me with a healing tattoo! Besides, there are always temporary ones. They can be pretty good these days.
I have only seen a couple of women with tattoo's. I think if they are small looking they are cool...but when you see the huge ones most guys have then can be a little bit OTT. Like a fashion statement I think some look nice and quite attractive. I think personal ones are best, because they are the individuals inner self.
I agree with most of you ...if they can be covered up then yes, there is nothing worse than a woman with a big tat on her bicep ..something like a loveheart with a rose going through it ..
If its something like a some symbol or bit of writing on the small of her back or even around the pevic area then theres nothing better ..
Sorry to all those with Love hearts and roses on there arm .... lol
I have got a bit a chiness writing on my back... i hate it
I have two small tats, one of the top of each arm they are chinese symbols for my kids names. Mine are only tempoary and are supposed to last for seven years but still went throught the pain of the needle.
Dont like to think of myself when old and wrinkly with tats thats why i went for the temp option.
I also have my nose pierced too but can take that out any time.
i dont have any tatoos.
i sometimes see them on other people and can really admire them... but dont think that i would like one on myself.
i think it is a bit of an image thing.. i change mine all the time to ultra feminine in floaty dresses to student grungy in boots and ripped jeans... i dont think a tatoo would go with "all" my images.