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Well the mailbox is down due to maintenance and I have forgotten how to use a pen and paper, so I thought I would ask a question that I have been pondering for a while.
Does everyone on SH have a tattoo????? lol
I couldn't help noticing when looking in the gallery and at profiles, just how many people on this website have tattoos.
I have two very discreet ones and I'm actually getting another - if I were a man I think I would have loads, as they are addictive!
I have no idea if there is a correlation between those who swing and those who chose to have tattoos, but I've decided to be my usual nosy self and run a poll on it!
ps: This isn't anything to do with the hatrick thingy, I'm just bored and nosy!
I know you're plan!!!! you're on your way to scooping the victory..... or so you think!!!........
Watch out kiss, I'm coming to get ya! :giggle:
Anyway, back to the topic, I have wanted a tattoo for years, since I was 16, but I have never been able to decide on one or where to have it for that matter
I still want someone to draw me one, but it is going to be a long quest to find the perfect one, and I know I won't be able to stop when I do get one.
Den got on on his arm on my birthday (instead of getting me a birthday card/present might I add!) which he got done in a dodgy place in leith! oo dear!
He's since got another ginormous one on his other arm and wants to xtend the original one.
I love them, but reckon he should put a bit more thought in to them first!
So I voted yes for den as there wasn't an option for he has, she hasn't!
Sorry for not putting a couples option. redface
And you can't know my plan as I don't think either of my threads actually fits the rules for the said competition!! lol :lol: :lol:
8 in total....... but all small and none on my hands or neck etc.....
so they can all be covered if I need to be non-offensive or attend a 'posh'
As a side question ----- do more people with tattoo's have a piercing also?
I have my left nipple pierced ..... which was done after my tatts....
I've noticed a lot of people these days do get piercings .... but many of whom also have a tattoo
Quote by Atlantis
As a side question ----- do more people with tattoo's have a piercing also?

I only have my ears pierced although I have two tattoos. Personally speaking I don't find piercings a turn-off, I just don't find them a trun-on either.
I'll stick with my earings I think! lol
I have one - and the vast majority of people I know have no idea where it is wink
I don’t have any at all, but have thought about one from time to time. The thing that puts me off however is what to have the tattoo of. My likes and dislikes change from year to year and I would hate to have something I thought was fantastic today only to loathe it tomorrow.
I have many "life" tattoos, but have never been "inked". Going to be hard not to get one in Thailand, one of the friends I'll be staying with is a tattoo artist and was badgering me for months the year before last to have a freebee from him. Would be far more tempted if he wasn't a total stoner!
Just one at the moment, would think about others if I could find one that I liked
Its on my bum
I have one on my ankle, going to get another one on my foot soon too, would also like one on my wrist, havent a clue what tho .
I have one on my ankle, going to get another one on my foot soon too, would also like one on my wrist, havent a clue what tho .
Quote by PoloLady
I have one - and the vast majority of people I know have no idea where it is wink

Bags I volunteering to find it :twisted: :giggle:
I've got 2. A small but soon to be embellished flower on my shoulder blade I had done 10 years ago at a bike rally which is starting to fade a bit so I'm going to have it recoloured and made a little bigger. I did have ex hubby's name on the top of my arm but a few months ago I had it covered with a rose ( take that, you cheating swine :giggle: )
I'd like a Welsh dragon done but can't find the right design without taking the one off the flag so I'll keep looking until I find the right one or have someone draw one for me.
Piercing's are ok but not on the face. Only got my ears done so far. I wanted to get my nips done but it's not easy when you're got 'innies' redface
Kinky has 4 tattoos and Licker 2, but he's priming himself for a back tattoo (building up the confidence for all the pain)
On the connection of tattoo's to piercings, Kinky has 12, some visible and some not so wink Licker only has one, his ear, he had his nipple done but kept worrying he would catch it and pull it out :shock:
Quote by Sassy-Seren
Only got my ears done so far. I wanted to get my nips done but it's not easy when you're got 'innies' redface

You can have your nipples pierced the 'male' way which is under the nipple rather than through it, Kinky had to have this done due to having small nipples smile
I've got 3, all of which are well documented on this site, and the dolphin makes regular shower appearances lol :lol:
One of the others is over there <<<<<<<<<<<<<<,
Quote by manc_lad_steve
No tattoo's as I think I may look a bit silly when I'm 60 with one. But I do have a pierced tongue and a PA. The difference to me is that I can take the piercings out and there will be hardly any evidence I ever had them, not so for tattoo's.

I think that depends how many you have and if they are visible. I nursed a lady in her 70s a couple of years ago and she had a pretty little flower tat on her thigh. I thought it looked rather cute biggrin
Quote by PoloLady
I have one - and the vast majority of people I know have no idea where it is wink

I know where it is :smug:
I've got two tatts and a few piercings, but there all at least 10 years old, way before i got into this. so not sure if the two are linked dunno
left nipple... pierced..not tattooed
left shoulderblade.. tattooed.. not pirced.
Used to have right nostil nose-ring...
left ear had a few rings/studs etc...
and I didnt know there was a *male* way to pirce a nip!
Mine is striaght through!
was thinking of putting a small bar through the skin at my adams apple.. to dangle things on..instead of a necklace... Bound to have that torn out at work now though.. (client base... dont ask!)
I had to struggle really hard not to keep going after the first tattoo... really wanted more! It can be addictive...
waiting for inspiration to draw my own... 15 years now!
Pull you finger out!
also I know someone who would rather I had a bolt through the head!
:happy: :happy: ooo a tatt thread :happy: :happy: lol
I'd post a pic of my new one if only I could get it off my phone mad
ive heard of some strange things...but tattooing a phone!!!??
Quote by LondonPlaything
ive heard of some strange things...but tattooing a phone!!!??

That's the sort of reply I'd expect from Meaty but you??????????? smackbottom
I ..... nine tattoos. :shock: :shock: :shock:
redface im learning surprisedops:
Quote by Abilene
I ..... nine tattoos. :shock: :shock: :shock:

pretty as a picture too!
>ahem... no doubt<
i am the female out of the couple and i have got 2 tatoo's one on each of my arms. i have got a panther on the top of my left arm and a rose with a name going through it on the top of my right arm. i had these done when i was 19 yrs old and i don't regret having them done.
I have a small bird on my left shoulder.
I did once design a tatt for the bottom of my back- a square rigged ship (similar to the one I crew sometimes) outlined against a setting sun. It was lovely- and if only I could fecking find the damn thing I think I'd go and get it done!
Mrs Pettin
I have 2 tattoos
1 scorpion & 1 Swallow both on my shoulder
I have 1 at the bottom of my back but I can choose to show it with hipsters or hide it with high waist, I had to think long and hard about it thou as I have had 3 home made tats removed by lazer and by god that hurts more than the tatoo itself, only thing is ive only had it a few years and already its faded so needs re doing...........
oh and i have a few peircings too, tongue, nipple(stragiht through), belly button and a private part....(well not that private cos its on my pics lol)
I love tattoos on men!! mmmm
I have 2 tasteful tattoos - one between my shoulder blades (a tribal stemmed lily)
The other one on my wrist- a tribal butterfly with curls and twists...
I also have a tongue piercing which I love.
I am not planning on any more adornments as although I love tattoos - I think you can have too many and oersonally I think too many scattered about don't look good.