Quote by dpg230272
here here sheddy well said (and theres us thinking you spoke bollox) :lol:
in fact the hgv of today probably gives out less gases than my p reg 1.8 petrol taxi a friend of mine is a haulier and the lenghths and costs he has to go to over the past 2 years to bring his existing trucks in line with government guidelines has nearly crippled him and at one point nearly put him out of business.
sheddy i can get you some red diesel cheap :giggle: :giggle:
if theres any ministry or tax inspectors reading this the above comment was a joke (honest) :lol: :wink: :lol: :wink: :lol:
p.s andy2120 where you been all week we've missed you :yawn: :yawn:
mr and mrs dpg xxxx
I'm sorry dpg230272 but you'll have to pass me the spoon whilst I eat humble Pie because aparntely I who has worked in the haulage industry for 15 years and been around it for 30 years (family also run trucks as well as farms) aint got a clue about stuff like this compared to andy 0898 (or whatever it is) and his imaginary (probabley) degree