Im my humble opinion i see no merit in a teacher bashing thread, shouldn't it be closed?
But the AUP prohibits:
Any comments which are hateful, or racist.
Abusive or aggressive behaviour towards fellow members, Ops/Mods or Administration staff.
Given that teachers are bound to make up a proportion of members, I think it breaches the AUP both in terms of the intention of the original post and subsequent posts.
I love a debate but I don't like hateful, abusive or aggressive behaviour towards any indiviual or group.
Yes you're probably right Kent If i felt strongly about it I would have reported it. As it is I thought it best to say I think its was intended to be and remains an abusive thread rather than to imply acceptance of such threads.
Dunno what question remains unanswered, but on a slightly connected thread...
I am listening to a debate on the radio at the moment where teachers are trying to defend the exposure to kids as young as 5 or 6 the 'facts' about homosexuality.
I am calling in at our school tomorrow morning to see if this kind of rubbish is being inflicted on my kids. Teachers are very quick to pass comment that responsibility lies with parents but why was I not asked - as a parent, or any other parents for that matter? I do not want my children taught about homosexuality until they are teenagers. Just because homosexuality exists does not meen it has to be highlighted to very young children.
Regarding teacher bashing - yes - I absolutely hold my hand up to say that I did start this post to draw attention to the teaching profession and to highlight the flaws in the way that some organisations, schools and individual teachers conduct their affairs. I would never have done this had the teaching profession not pointed the finger at the armed forces. It is very easy to get a grip on the 'character' of posters by reading back their thread history and I think broadly we are non judgemental and helpful as can be seen from our thread history. We certainly don't post for postings sake as some people seem to do in order to build up a post count. (Why do people do that just as a matter of interest?)
I do not 'home teach' because not all teachers and not all schools are bad - I thought I made that clear much earlier.
BTW - for all teachers who are on this site, you might consider keeping your identities very, very secret. Another sad, pathetic flaw in our society
(Aplogies to mods for this link, but I think it worthy of inclusion - read the bit about the teacher in wales)
i happen to think that the education system in this country comes into some very harsh critisism, sometimes wrongly, sometimes rightly.
generally speaking, i think ones actual understanding is often warped due to influences within the media and through some personal experiences that might happen out of the norm.
However i believe it is true to say that Those involved in teaching only have themselves to blame. At certain levels, they havnt retained the position of power and respect that they need. Some have shown themselves to be disjointed and have lost control of the pupils, the parents and their government.
When i was at school we only respected and learnt from the strict, no-nonsence kind of teacher. The ones that we HAD to call Sir or Miss. The ones that could and would punish you, gave you tons of homework, and taught you more than the syllabus Often they would reveal insights into the subject that made them tick and they taught you the methods they had learnt in order to remember and pass exams.
I think that teachers should show a united stance. Banish the softy , lefty (insert the words of TooHot)faction to the quiet corner and show a no nonsense, firm approach to the government that they are in charge they know best.
Its not as if they haven't spent years of man/woman hours implementing systems of inspection and testing and blowing hot air up each-others asses over coffee.
They should take the top schools in the country... corrolate their methods and implement them accross the board. Sharpish, and with the vigour and discpline of an old-school master if need be.
The gap between good and bad has widened and someone needs to get a grip as the majority of the youth of our Nation is in the hands of a bunch of soft-arses, unwilling or unable to meet out discipline and good education.
If only controlling the masses was that easy.....
If a child asks me a question about anything, I always answer to the best of my ability and with consideration of everything I know about that child (as well as why they asked the question). If they continue to ask, I continue to answer until they are satisfied with my explanation. I did this with my own children and they are both well-balanced young people.
A few years ago my daughter came home with a letter to invite us to her school to talk to all parents about what our children were going to be taught. They showed us the video that they were going to show the children & I fully respected the way this was done. Have some faith in these teachers, they do know what they are doing.
We were also given a consent form to fill out to allow our children to be taught this subject. We do have choices as they have to consider all different cultural backgrounds.
So for me - well done teachers you do a A1 job in my eyes :thumbup:
The link below is regarding children being taught about homosexuality in certain bristol schools. The areas in which the complaints have been made are very multi cultural so my thoughts are that the majority of it could be to do with religion? I maybe wrong.
I have a young child and I wouldn`t have an issue if she was being taught about same sex relationships.
Teachers have an incredibly hard job and I know I would not like to put up with the crap that they have to endure from both parents and students.
I don't see why 5 and 6 year olds should not be taught that sometimes men love men and women love women.
It's a fact of life, and I'd rather the future generations grow up with an acceptance of different ways that people live, than the intolerance that I hear in people of my generation.
Deleted. I can't find the words to say what I mean, without contravening the "everyone has a right to their opinion" belief.