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Team America

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1 watcher
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just got in from seen the new Team America movie :grin:
have ne one seen it ???
" HIS " could not stop lol but i didnt think it woz that good!
if you have seen it wot did u think??
fuck yeah!! lol it has its moments theres no i in team america!! rolleyes
Saw it last night. Real piss take out of the Americans.
Was in stitches at the two puppets having sex.
Just seen the ads, looks like a load of you know what but if it comes my way on vid or dvd I'll watch then make up my mind.
Quote by bicuriousrobin
Just seen the ads, looks like a load of you know what but if it comes my way on vid or dvd I'll watch then make up my mind.

hiya bicuriousrobin
i wish that we had done the same!!
HIS is still goin on about it!!! hes like a kid !!!
Quote by hisNher_82_manchester
Just seen the ads, looks like a load of you know what but if it comes my way on vid or dvd I'll watch then make up my mind.

hiya bicuriousrobin
i wish that we had done the same!!
HIS is still goin on about it!!! hes like a kid !!!
Hello to you two too.
Gerry Anderson would turn in his grave.
Except he's not dead.
Which is great.
Cos he's working on a new series of Captain Scarlet. :bounce:
Quote by Ice Pie
Gerry Anderson would turn in his grave.
Except he's not dead.
Which is great.
Cos he's working on a new series of Captain Scarlet. :bounce:

and a live action film (casting phase at the moment)
yes i have seen team america, all i can say..brilliant, i have never laughed so much. and as a great fan of south park this definatly lives up to mat and trey's usual standards
"Now i've seen everything!"
"Have you ever seen a man eat his own head?"
"Well you haven't seen everything then"
Very funny film.......But South Park the movie was funnier!
Funny but glad i didn't pay for my own ticket (if you know what I mean?). Enjoyed the soundtrack and Korean guy (can't spell name) very much:
'Ahhh. Herrow Han Brix' that's my chap's constant catchphrase now...
I've yet to see it and, at this rate, I'll probably miss it at the cinema. If it's anywhere near as good as the South Park movie though it should be great. Now there was a movie which was utterly outrageous and yet managed to make a good point.
i dont enjoy the south ak humor too much but bits i have seen are good too much fing in it for my likeing spoils the film in my view
Quote by Ice Pie
Gerry Anderson would turn in his grave.
Except he's not dead.
Which is great.
Cos he's working on a new series of Captain Scarlet. :bounce:

Maybe he'll turn in his sleep.
Not seen it but the trailers make me laugh. I just have to find a cinema within driving distance...