Hi Judy,
Now I know this XP there other possible causes. Go to desktop settings by your preffered method, press Customise Desktop Button (it under available background choices), switch to web tab, ensure nothing ticked on this page...
Let me know if that helps.
Hi Judy
I am led to beleive that there may be some form of software conflict between SP2 and some parts of Norton. I am sure that if you have the full internet security package then there will be a problem but not so much if it is just anti-virus that you are running.
It may be that the only way to get you system back to the way you want it is to restore it, using a system restore point set up before installing SP2. I have been running SP2 for about a month mow and so far the only useful feature is to stop my email from downloading images directly all the other features IMO are for people who are not computer literate and do not have much idea about security and protecting themselfs.
Reset your machine and wait until Norton have solved teh problem then update to SP2.
This may not be the correct solution and I am open to other suggestions and before doing anything to your computer please back up any important information.
Never thought that my first post on a swinging web site would be about computers I need to get out more
This sounds like a new one to me.
If you haven't got it fixed with T&H's help PM me.
Try right clicking on the picture and if you get the pop up context menu click on "properties" . You should see the path to the image and it might give you a clue as to what program is putting it there or at least let you know where it is on the hard drive so you can find and delete it.
It sounds to me like something to do with the 'active desktop' feature.
I'm not sure where this option is hidden in XP (try control panels -> display), but if it's on, turn it off.
If it's already off, then turn it on and try all the right-clicking etc. stuff advised above.
After further investigation apparently SP2 will delete old restore points so my idea was of no use.
This is an intriguing problem, but there is an answer to everything and I am sure someone will find it but please post what that is when you find it
The Perfect Solution
Judy, just do what I did when I had a virus on mine
Now heres what to do:
1st take out all the leads at the back
2nd Carefully manouver the PC unit from its location
3rd Grab hold and lift
4th Throw it up in the air
5th On its way down to earth give it a drop kick, continue kicking it for several minutes until it is in pieces.
6th Go and buy a new one
I guarantee this works as I have had no problems with it since
My ad 82788
Only other thing I can think of is to start your PC as normal then press ctrl+alt+delete. A new window should open titled "Windows Task Manager". Select the processes tab and then press shift and "print screen" on the keyboard.
Now open MS Paint and select "edit2 and then "paste". A picture of your desktop with the task manager should appear.
Save the image and then either crop it down to just show the manager if you like or just go straight to uploading the image so we can all see it. Hopefully the offending item will be in there and we'll be able to tell you how to get rid.
Must be something you have running on your PC putting it there. Check the startup directory for anything unusual (start->all programs->startup). There are also startup options in the registry. I have a small program somewhere that checks all the places on the computer for proggys that startup. I'll dig it out. or search the net for autoruns
I assume the picture stays the same all the time, or does it change? if it changes then its probably some weird and wonderful news ticker you've got from the web...
If it stays the same, I'm not sure what you've done there... new one on me... hehe.
try doing a search for any picture files that have been created on your PC since you got it and see if you can find it that way. then delete the file (might have to do that in safe mode).
I'm sure I've read somewhere about a BBC news ticker. I wonder if it could be that?
The BBC news ticker is a thin bar with scrolling txt.
OK - you have done the spyBot and adware, do you have hijack this?
The easy thing is to do a screen shot of your desktop, but that could be too public here, so would Hijack - do you have a private MSN group or group where you could post the information?
Then I would know, to some degree, what the problem actually is.
Again using Hijack is the same as spyBot, don't do anything unless you know what you are really doing with a comp's software, all I can do is offer my help, but I do need to see what the problem is.
You are using XP, SP1,SP2 - SP2 is it beta or the official download, which site was it downloaded from? Which site was the image downloaded from?
Have all cookies including the index file been deleted? All cache and H/D executable memory been deleted? Boot sector and registry been cleared - as you can see that is where a problem online can be difficult to conquer, so that is the information I need to help you with this problem.
Get Hijackthis, run a scan and save a log file - when you trust me, or others enough to have a look at it post it where it is private, and then those who can help will help you.
Hope that this is of some help too you.