watch this Sheddy, advice without piss taking :shock:
first off, can you swap the ram stick with another machine to check if there's a hardware fault (rare, i know, but worth checking)
have you checked the size of virtual memory allocation, defragged drive, cleaned cookies and done all the general tidyup stuff including checking your hard drive for errors (as this could cause a possible bottleneck swapping data round)
if you need an online virus checker, try
This is a guaranteed cure with no doubts...... will be running sweet as a nut after. As soon as mine fluffs up I hit this...
Good luck......
Sheddy Darlin ............. this is a bit techy but you need to ......
Kick it with a big boot :giggle: works for me everytime
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
It could also be due to having Spyware being installed on your computer......its usually very hard to spot......there are a lot of programs on the net that you can dowload to get rid of them if thats the case......