Anyone here get the TED video podcasts or just browse the site watching random vids??
I love the site, it always makes me feel lucky to be alive during this period of time where we are discovering and inventing so much cool stuff!
I hadn't even had a look at this thread... I know not why..perhaps I thought it was about someone I didn't know, you know, a member's boil being lanced, or an anniversary for a long time ... something.
However... I clicked the link, and even though at this stage I haven't actually gone any further than look at some of the topics etc I have already bookmarked the site for a definate return.
I'm liking the look of that very very much
Free knowledge! What a great idea - at face value anyway! I don't know if there's any other agenda behind the choice of talks ...
Looks whackily off the wall intense!
A snip at $5200!
Great idea to spread the link.
I did know of TED videos - they are wonderful talks by experts at the cutting edge of their fields just telling you in an easy conversational style something very very interesting about the world we live in.
Worth bookmarking as a favourite and browsing when you have 20 minutes to spare.