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I've got my friends twin teenage daughters staying with me for a few days, one of their family members is terminally ill in hospital and I've offered to help out by having them stay here.
I have no children of my own, no experience of looking after teenagers and didn't have time to get any ground rules off their mum before she left.
I'm sure I'm gonna be walked over!
What time should a 13yr old go to bed?
What time should I insist on them being in - should I even let them out on a school night?dunno
What if they want friends over???? or worse still boyfriends??? rolleyes :roll:
Can you sense my panic levels rising here???? :shock: :shock:
Just remember back to what you would have done and dont let em do any of that!
Yer on yer own, I have enough shit with my own! :shock:
You are going to have to determine the bounderies via the parents, else they will probably try to take the piss! lol
Ooohhhh....good luck!! rolleyes
You might be well advised to get some eyes in the back of your head.
And girls are particularly good at manipulating situations to suit themselves :shock:
Thinking back to myself at that age........emmmmmm......maybe you should just lock them in a room till their parents come get them. innocent
Better safe than sorry!!!
Here`s a link that`ll give you alllllllll the insight you need! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
To be honest hun, at times like that many kids instinctively know they need to behave, not mine :huh:, but many will.
Get loads of videos girly ones .... some pizza or nachos or chocolates and suggest a girly night in to really get to know them .. then you can ask pertinent questions .. otherwise ring Mum!
Good luck
C x
we have 15 yr old boy,17 yr girl,4 year old twins :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
a 13 yr old should be in bed by (latest) :cry:
in by the time it gets dark(should really be doing homework tho) wink
no friends over on weekdays :twisted:
boyfriends(no chance) mad
good luck :wink:
Not much point working out what to say to them, if they are like my 13 year old niece they won't listen to anything you say anyway, they'll just spend all their time chatting into their mobiles, saying nothing much else except "I was like...oh my God!"
erm i dont have kids let alone teenagers but when i was that age i had a really fantastic neighbour who used to babysit me and my sister.
She made an effort to be our friend, id go with the advice of get to know them - see what they like. Watching girlie videos and eating ice-cream always goes down a treat. I would speak to them asap and set a few ground rules but dont be too strict or they'll just play u up - be their mate and they'll love u for it
OMG :eeek:
This could potentially be the worst week of my life :shock: :shock: :shock:
on the other hand......DVD's and Ice Cream :twisted: :twisted:
Pity help you! :shock: Want another one to watch for a few weeks???? confused lol
yehbutnobutyehbutnobutyeh,,oh my god i cant beleive your arkskin me that, right!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:
Quote by wewantu2
we have 15 yr old boy,17 yr girl,4 year old twins :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
a 13 yr old should be in bed by (latest) :cry: Earlier if you can manage it rotflmao :bs:
in by the time it gets dark(should really be doing homework tho) wink Homework first then if time before dark blink
no friends over on weekdays :twisted: Agree with that
boyfriends(no chance) mad Definatley not.
good luck :wink:

They might just be little :angel: for you. :doh: may be not
:love: em but couldn't eat a whole one. :giggle:
First thing you need to do is make sure your profile on the PC is password protected. Could be highly embarrassing if your MSN profile loads on start up and all these dodgy messages show up informing them that "You have received a new private message to your account on 'Swinging Heaven'."
Quote by KcKat
I've got my friends twin teenage daughters staying with me for a few days, one of their family members is terminally ill in hospital and I've offered to help out by having them stay here.
I have no children of my own, no experience of looking after teenagers and didn't have time to get any ground rules off their mum before she left.
I'm sure I'm gonna be walked over!
What time should a 13yr old go to bed?
What time should I insist on them being in - should I even let them out on a school night?dunno
What if they want friends over???? or worse still boyfriends??? rolleyes :roll:
Can you sense my panic levels rising here???? :shock: :shock:

Hi babes,
I have 13 year old twin boys.......................... they are great.......
Yep let them out, ask them what time they are normally in, then reduce it by Half an hour
No boyfriends to stay over though........... unless u cant lock them in the garage
Trust them........... at 13, its important to feel like an adult...........
I have twin boys............. u r looking after twin girls........... all 4 of them are 13years old........
Sounds like an excuse to meet lol lol
Good luck babes.......... I am sure you are worrying about nothing.......... how bad were you at 13 ???????
Quote by MikeNorth
"I was like...oh my God!"

rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Quote by HungryP
"I was like...oh my God!"

rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
You are soooooooooo right!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:
and everything has "Init" on the end of it too dunno
Blonde Slave - if only we weren't at opposite ends of the country! evil
Computer password protected, think all my toys are hidden out of sight, remembered to take my photo collection of Eagerslut down from the bedroom wall - Sorted!!! :thumbup:
Don't stress yourself....
They're gonna do what they want anyways....but remember to tell their mum they was angels...just to see the look on her face! lol
As a parent of 3 boys (all grown, married and parents themselves now) and grandparent of 6, I can only offer the following advice.....
Password lock a screensaver on to your PC. The little angels usually just click on "download" without thinking about a possible virus.
Buy some earplugs. They will not like your music and you won't like theirs.
Be prepared for hormonal tantrums.
Invest in a suitably sized cage. Not for them as that would be cruel. Buy it for yourself and the fridge or your beer/wine will disappear.
Hope that helps, biggrin