Television scriptwriters have very little imagination when it comes to charactors and situations. They deal in cardboard characters and hackneyed situations we've seen a million times before.
So why don't we write our own series. Just list the charactor or situation you want to see in it. Remember TV commisioning editors don't like too much originality.
I'll start you off.
Hammer and Nail
Dick Hammer is a loose cannon. He's a cop who'll break every rule to make a collar. He's divorced and has a drink problem.
JOnathon Nail his by the book side kick, is happily married to a young attractive wife who hates his job.
Episode 1. A serial killer is targetting prostitutes
The city is living in fear. A serial killer is on the loose. The female detective is out jogging. She lives alone and when she returns home she goes straight to the bathroom and turns on the shower. She goes to her bedroom and strips off. Returning to the bathroom she wipes the steam from the mirror revealing the reflection of the killer standing behind behind her.
She pulls out her gun..(don't ask)..and shoots the killer,but it happens to be a holographic projection.
In horror films you always have to kill the monster twice. :shock:
Even then the last lingering shot as the titles come up will always show it twitch :shock:
General rule of thumb is that unless you see their head separated from their body, do not assume that the full magazine that you've just emptied into that baddie has actually killed him.
Oh, and the machete you foolishly dropped 10 minutes previously will have landed just within arms reach of said baddie.
The hologram has his wicked way with her but she doesn't notice. She lies on her back filing her nails thinking how much the ceiling needs decorating.
She looks down and says "FFS Rimmer! What are you trying to do there?"
The hologram sighs and wishes he could appear in an episode of Dr Who where he'll be taken seriously (by at least two people).
And then suddenly.......
The image strides closer and closer to her, his evil laughter ringing around her apartment.
Suddenly, a figure bursts through the open doorway to her apartment and trips over the doormat, falling on his face. It's Mervin, her nerdy downstairs neighbour. Cooking his dinner, he heard the shot and has come to the rescue of Tammy armed with fish slice and spatula.
Slutty women die first unless there is a black man in which case he dies first
He tripped again and was twanged in the face by the fish slice.. at that point a man dressed in a suit looking oh so gallant turned up and smiled, he smile was dazzling and the glint from his teeth bounced off the fish slice and onto the window thus causing a fire, and the whole place burned down.... :shock:
in the burning building the flame get hotter and hotter............dick hammer is outside the 24 storie building....... the lift is out of order ...he begins to climb the stairs with his trusted sidekick nails...............piercing screams are heard ......................
"oh for Christ's sake" says Dick, "take my last scraping of Marmite then and get a bluddy move on"
A pregnant woman and a priest arrive, ouside is an ancient chinese man who was world karate champion in 1944
Bugger thought of something but its gone now!
the chinese karate champion quickly slices throught the jam and marmite toast as they head up the they pass no 32 they stop look astounded and see............
Yer all behaving like a bunch of script writers.
Non-sequiters - post leapfrog - and senile behaviour!!
I would quite happily introduce something fresh and exciting to this thread but i'm afraid that you'd think my ideas are nothing but the scriblings of a retard x