Ive just found an email from a hot mail email address, which was put in my spam folder by aol, which ive only just found. Why did that happen?
spam filters work on a huge range of variables, such as content, address, all sorts. Not just the address. The mail might have had hidden words in it that made the filter flag it up
Thanks, ill just have to check it more often.
Add them to contacts. thats weird because if we get emails from aol to are they go in the junk, is it war between these competitors. :shock:
If someone sends an identical e-mail to several addresses, most filters will guess them to be spam, and put them in the Junk file.
Actually, a good thing in some ways: it's one way of telling whether you've had a thought-out reply to your ad, or whether it's just some bloke sending a round-robin to loads of people. But does mean you need to glance in the Junk.
I expect it does.
But your mate is on your "allow" list, I expect, as a regular contact, sop the filter lets him in.
You could always take him off again. But then you might miss the mail where he says: "Bob! Room full of naked women! Please rush round and help!"