As I do my Moddy duties I frequently see things written which make me cringe - today it's been 'you're a good slut' or 'want to be my slut' or need a slut for gangbang'.
My personal view is that the term 'slut' is offensive - any other views?
Quote by AtomCom2001
I have to say I know a few ladies that love the idea of being and being called a slut..
I suppose it is like some gay men like being called a poof.
Quote by Warmerexactly...its got to be in it is then its fine
dek calls me slut all the time along with slag, bitch whore........the list is endless tis all in good fun with him though and i dont like anyone else calling me this way
One entry found.
Main Entry: strum·pet
Pronunciation: ˈstrəm-pət
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English
Date: 14th century
: prostitute