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As I do my Moddy duties I frequently see things written which make me cringe - today it's been 'you're a good slut' or 'want to be my slut' or need a slut for gangbang'.
My personal view is that the term 'slut' is offensive - any other views?
I have to say I know a few ladies that love the idea of being and being called a slut..
I suppose it is like some gay men like being called a poof.
depends greatly on how it's said, and to whom, then how it's recieved.
I think
Quote by AtomCom2001
I have to say I know a few ladies that love the idea of being and being called a slut..
I suppose it is like some gay men like being called a poof.

I know a few as well.... However I always believe there is a time and a place... for example it does nothing for me and like jags it kinda makes me cringe, I have called people that when I have been playing with them because i know that is one of the thing that gets them off....
but saying it in the throws of passion and saying here cold and calculated are two completely different things.....
Quote by LondonPlaything
depends greatly on how it's said, and to whom, then how it's recieved.
I think

I agree with you....IMHO
I would be very annoyed if someone I didn't know me called me a slut ,however in certain circumstances and with the right person its exciting :grin: :grin:
Quote by Jags
My personal view is that the term 'slut' is offensive - any other views?

I agree. Horrible word.
Addendum: usually preceded with word Kinky lol
each to their own thouhg
How about "hussy","loose woman", "harlot", to name just three. If you wanted to be a little more informal, there is always "floozie" ot "tart".
Plim rolleyes
Quote by mazandden
I like it redface rolleyes
so do I surprisedops:
Quote by LondonPlaything
dek calls me slut all the time along with slag, bitch whore........the list is endless tis all in good fun with him though and i dont like anyone else calling me this way cool
Quote by dekntan
dek calls me slut all the time along with slag, bitch whore........the list is endless tis all in good fun with him though and i dont like anyone else calling me this way cool
exactly...its got to be in it is then its fine
if you don't like it its equally fine :P
I like to be called my name........ if said in a certain way, thats sexy and horny enough for me!!
all different eh?
Quote by Warmer
dek calls me slut all the time along with slag, bitch whore........the list is endless tis all in good fun with him though and i dont like anyone else calling me this way cool
exactly...its got to be in it is then its fine
if you don't like it its equally fine :P
:thumbup: :thumbup:
ooh fb great new avator :inlove: :wanker:
Quote by anais
I like to be called my name........ if said in a certain way, thats sexy and horny enough for me!!
all different eh?
its always sexy to hear your name called ....
Quote by anais
I like to be called my name........ if said in a certain way, thats sexy and horny enough for me!!
all different eh?

Is that Anaissssssssssssssssssssssssss ???????
Quote by Echoes7
I like to be called my name........ if said in a certain way, thats sexy and horny enough for me!!
all different eh?

Is that Anaissssssssssssssssssssssssss ???????
Depends how familiar you wanna be Echoes :grin:
You look sexy my name.
Like that you mean?
Quote by
You look sexy my name.
Like that you mean?
:lol2: :lol2:
Don't mind the word slut too much- said in context.
However, change just two letters......make it slag.....and I hate it! confused
My TKD instructor called me a strumpet once- I thought that was kinda cool. :smile2:
Just googled strumpet :shock:
One entry found.
Main Entry: strum·pet
Pronunciation: ˈstrəm-pət
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English
Date: 14th century
: prostitute
Are you sure you didnt miss hear your instructor?
Unless of course it has a modern day meaning?
Well at least he said it after he handed over the cash :giggle:
Nah, actually I've since looked the word up, so I knew what it meant but I don't think he meant it to be taken literally. I think it's one of those words that people aren't entirely sure the meaning of, but know it's something "saucy"
S'pose he could have been calling me a trumpet though dunno
Noun 1. strumpet - a woman adulterer
adulteress, fornicatress, hussy, loose woman, slut, trollop, jade adulterer, fornicator - someone who commits adultery or fornication

I dont mind been called *saucy/suacy wench/saucy madam* or *hussy* lol I wont be called anyting *I see or feel* is derogatory towards women...probably my workie stuff coming out in me there!!
I used to see a guy that called me *his horny bitch* hated it....... dumped him after six months as it got on my nerves! He was great in other ways tho!! wink
Quote by Sarah
Noun 1. strumpet - a woman adulterer
adulteress, fornicatress, hussy, loose woman, slut, trollop, jade adulterer, fornicator - someone who commits adultery or fornication

Is that your suggestion for my profile text then? lol