I'm curious, hence the name
A bi-male is obviously interested in sex with men and women, but what if someone was only interested in part of the male-male scene.
A bloke who only wanted to recieve oral from a woman would be called selfish, but is that the case with a bloke when talking about blokes... when the receiving bit takes on a whole new meaning?
Is there a special term for a man who only wants to play the "male role" so to speak?
APOLOGIES IN ADVANCE if this way of putting it offends any gay/bi men (or anyone else for that matter)
Is something we often come back to on here, isn't it?
R and I like to play with others - (no, really, we do) but we neither of us entertain any kind of anal play. Now as a bi guy, R likes to give and receive oral with other guys, but no anal.
Some chaps would be happy to bugger and be buggered, but refuse point blank to kiss, let alone snog, another man.
I think you have to give yourself up to the fact that lables are for jars and not people and just enjoy what you wanna do. However, when discussing your ground rules, you just have to spell it out, as there is not sufficient vocabulary available to allow you to 'beat around the bush'.
I am sure it would be easier to say "I am a zooglesnoff" and mean "My sexual preferences are X on Tuesdays and Y on Thursdays, but the rest of the week I am Z" But zoog's know that no-one else would understand their terminology, so they have to go for the big explaination.
speaking from a purely bi curious point of view yes i am interested in the oral an masturbation aspect but would never consider giving or recieving anal at all
but this works boths with straight cples as well i once new a guy who would never give a woman oral sex yet loved his regular bj's
Thanks for the responses guys, I guess it confims that this site is about a varied lifestyle. I will take it on board that a bloody good discussion is required before any meeting, applying to situations between either sex.