I just wondered. I have a propensity (?) for using the term 'Sweetie' with ladies that I get on well with. Lord knows why I do this - and I actually find it rather 'naff' but I still do it.
Just wondered what other people use as 'terms etc , etc'
Note: To Mods - if this is a completely stupid thread the please feel free to delete
Paul darling, I use lots of terms of endearment - love, sweetie, darling, etc - because I'm a naturally affectionate person.
It has nothing to do with Sir Richard Attenborough's excuse that he could never remember names and so called everybody 'darling'!
Sappho xxx
i tend to use the words babes for either male or female .. and hunny for men .. well mostly and i use darlin a lot ... but i put it down to the fact that i was a market trader for 9 years !!
keep on :swingingchair: babes
I tend not to have certain words that I use a lot. Instead certain people get ones that are more tailored for them. This is more by my nature than by design - it's just the soft/daft thing I am !
Also, I tend to use phrases more than words - I like the freedom to mix things up a bit, especially where I know somebody for a while.
Have to say it does depend on where I am....I "real Life" I tend to be more PC cos I am a civil servant .... sadly... but when relaxed like here I tend to uses sweets , and darlin much more freely...
i work of basis that SH is not quite so PC as day to day life has become and that the ladies here rather enjoy being pampered by the gents ( in general)...
at least I hope so...
I have a similar thing to Gman - work I have to be very PC and terms of endearment are out - however I still use them if I know the person well.
Out of work- well whatever seems appropriate at the time :twisted:
Gman - don't you get fed up sometimes with having 2 different heads - I do
Tim Jas...
actually no... to step out of work life and into reality it a release... In work I have to be careful... in life I can be more myself... the two are not too dissimilar but it is the attitude that matters....
At work I am careful ( PC wise) but try to elicit a humourous attitude, but in real life I do not necessarily look to be so PC
Still remain polite and coureous but stuff certain current Mores...
I'm always polite and courteous - well most of the time anyway, however I suffer from terminal sarcasm towards idiots which as you can imagine causes great problems at work :P
Love getting away from it and being meeeeee :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Jas ... I feel I would agree wit you wholeheartedly,,, but having had a good bollockin at work on a number of occasions I am now so careful....
heart remains iirreverant ,,,, but brain says hey be careful
bt deep down I remain a rebel
What about regional variations?
"Two pints of bitter please love" or "thanks love" seem to be the accepted norm round here but I don't think you'd get a very favourable reaction if you were to use "duck" or "hen". These are quite common terms in other areas, what do they use where you are?
What do the girlies think of these terms?
I suppose I use sweetheart and love (or luv - I'm a lancastrian) mostly.
I used to use ducks or sug (pronounced shug) a lot - but that was because I was an adopted Stokie for 10 years!
The one term which leaves me cold is being called BABE! (Cute little pig is all that comes to mind! Rich!!! - take heed!
Hugs, Alex x x
don't know why but I use sweets for the female side...
not local or anything... just me...
I HATE 'Babe(s)', 'Love' or 'Luv' (I'm a northerner) is OK though!
I can identify with 'wench' busy bloke.
We haven't met - but hello, it's a pleasure to make your aquaintance!
Alex x x
bloody amazin if you ask me!!!!!!
lol gman
I wish there was a smiley which stuck it's tongue out!
Am sure Brumlad will provide just fro you sweet....
so will you post from US?