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Quote by Pete_sw
Yo, Shedster wave
good to see you back fellah :thumbup:
I got you a :welcome: back pressy.............

well you are getting on a bit :lol2:

You could have got him that new spray on stuff!! lol
Welcome Back Sheddy kiss you've been missed indeed.
Quote by Sarah
Yo, Shedster wave
good to see you back fellah :thumbup:
I got you a :welcome: back pressy.............

well you are getting on a bit :lol2:

You could have got him that new spray on stuff!! lol
That Pete's far to tight! bolt
Shedmiester! wave
C'mon... admit it.... you've been away designing your haven't you?
Strange thing is the hitcounter says you've only had one visitor. I wonder why? Maybe that's why you came back here?
Anyway, welcome back! ;-)
Quote by Sgt Bilko
Who left that bluddy shed on the Staff Car Park?? I thought we got rid of the riff-raff a while ago!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
..... and who has been kicking Jags' Sick Bag around the dungeon??? confused :? :? :? :?

Welcome back Shoddy!! :? lol

Nope... Still here sarge still here.. :P
Oh dear Sheddy, don't say its all gone tits up on the happy couple front!! As sarcy as that sounds sorry to hear honest.. Can't see you sitting on your thumbs too long.
Good luck fella..
Nice to have you back Sheddy !
The winter months can be a bad time for sheds ... nobody visits for ages and then everyone remembers where you are. Then they find that your hinges are rusting,your losing your roof and you need clearing out!!
Good that you two are still good buddies - How many pms have you had for pk's number ?
Sometimes 2 straws into the one bottle of wine can get a bit much - especially when it's the 4th or 5th!!
Hope to see you back on the scene soon.
hiya sheddy welcome back from another who went off the rails for a while & knows how hard it is to make that climb back to the top again!
ive just got back from my hols which has helped more than i could have imagined & im brown biggrin
hope you are feeling the old happy sheddy again soon good to see you back :cheers:
Quote by lovejoy68
ive just got back from my hols which has helped more than i could have imagined & im brown biggrin

Does that mean you'll be flashing your white bits at the bbq? :shock: :scared:
Quote by Sassy-Seren

ive just got back from my hols which has helped more than i could have imagined & im brown biggrin

Does that mean you'll be flashing your white bits at the bbq? :shock: :scared:
hadnt thought about that will have to see what the weathers like will prob be white as a ghost again by then lol