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is using an escort ethical to live out fantasies

We are off to Bangkok and Koh Sumia next week for a couple of weeks, we are thinking of picking up a gogo girl when we are over, has anyone been to Koh Sumia?
Couple of questions.
Has anyone met genuinely Bi girls there,
Are we dodgy ground re STI's etc
Is this ethical has anyone ever met an escort to fulfill fantasies, we want a girl who is genuinely into us. But we do want to have some fun as well and on here we havent had any luck
advice most welcome
Never had to (or wanted to) pay for sex so I'm not best placed to comment, but :welcome: to the forums!
Seems a long way to go to play table tennis :twisted:
I guess with any travel, you need to have your wits about you! Just be careful that you don't get pulled into any unexpected scam!!
Paying for any sex is a hard one...I have absolutely no problem at all with people paying for sex, but I would always question/wonder if the person is doing it out of free choice!
Good luck with planning the trip and be safe! x
Quote by Peanut
Seems a long way to go to play table tennis :twisted:

He He - pong
Quote by cu3b4ll
Never had to (or wanted to) pay for sex so I'm not best placed to comment, but :welcome: to the forums!

I've heard that you aren't so much paying for the sex, as paying for them to bugger off afterwards :twisted:
As a regular visitor to Thailand, you will not (IMO) find a girl who is genuinely interested in you, you basically pay their bar fine (about 400 to 600 BHT, depending on what type of establishment they are in) and then take them out with you, and pay them direct.
As you are paying them they will do what ever you want within reason, but ask them first before you pay their bar fine, they will understand you, their command of European languages regarding sexual wants is large!! If they don’t understand you , their friend at the bar will. biggrin
And don’t worry about finding a girl, they will find you!, :shock: and if you don’t like her, tell her no thanks, she will go away (generally) if there is someone you like, ask them over to join you and buy her a lady drink, this is lower price than a tourist drink! (two tier pricing)
Also make sure she is female as there are a lot of ladyboys around, who are very beautiful and look just the part / job, I have seen many a male tourist fooled! And the ensuing arguments over refunds!! :D
You may also be told by the girl it is her birthday rolleyes etc and you need to buy her present, this can be anything from make up to jeans/ t shirts etc or even a moped !!!
Most of the bar girls have come from the north of Thailand and the money they earn they send back home to look after the family etc.
Personally I don’t approve of bar girls, but they are every where, and no thanks seems to work well for me!
Go and enjoy the sun, beaches, food and bar and forget about the girls.
Ok here's my slant on it.
I don't think there is anything ethically wrong with paying for sex IF the person being paid is willing and happy to sell their "services" to you. It's about personal choice I suppose, if you want to do it then go ahead, it's your life and you have every right to do what you want to do!
The STI thing is a big issue in Thailand, I would strongly recommend using a condom and avoiding any mouth to sexual part contact if you and your female partner are looking to indulge in bisexual threesomes.
At the end of the day you will do as you please, so you don't really need our advice on whether or not it's ethical or not, only you can decide that.
A safer and less problematic option would be to hire an escort from a reputable agency in this country and have a night at a hotel or something? It's just my opinion but I think there are a lot of factors that could make it not the experience you are looking for by going looking for "bi" prostitutes in Thailand.
Some good advice from the previous poster too, have a good trip!!
Ok here's my slant on it.
I don't think there is anything ethically wrong with paying for sex IF the person being paid is willing and happy to sell their "services" to you. It's about personal choice I suppose, if you want to do it then go ahead, it's your life and you have every right to do what you want to do!
The STI thing is a big issue in Thailand, I would strongly recommend using a condom and avoiding any mouth to sexual part contact if you and your female partner are looking to indulge in bisexual threesomes.
At the end of the day you will do as you please, so you don't really need our advice on whether or not it's ethical or not, only you can decide that.
A safer and less problematic option would be to hire an escort from a reputable agency in this country and have a night at a hotel or something? It's just my opinion but I think there are a lot of factors that could make it not the experience you are looking for by going looking for "bi" prostitutes in Thailand.
Some good advice from the previous poster too, have a good trip!!
Quote by Srne
Ok here's my slant on it.
I don't think there is anything ethically wrong with paying for sex IF the person being paid is willing and happy to sell their "services" to you. It's about personal choice I suppose, if you want to do it then go ahead, it's your life and you have every right to do what you want to do!
The STI thing is a big issue in Thailand, I would strongly recommend using a condom and avoiding any mouth to sexual part contact if you and your female partner are looking to indulge in bisexual threesomes.
At the end of the day you will do as you please, so you don't really need our advice on whether or not it's ethical or not, only you can decide that.
A safer and less problematic option would be to hire an escort from a reputable agency in this country and have a night at a hotel or something? It's just my opinion but I think there are a lot of factors that could make it not the experience you are looking for by going looking for "bi" prostitutes in Thailand.
Some good advice from the previous poster too, have a good trip!!

Be a lot more expensive. dunno I can imagine you would not get much change out of £600 to go to an escort agency in the UK. In Thailand you could buy 5 girls all their drinks and probably the bar itself for that money. lol
Quote by kentswingers777
Be a lot more expensive. dunno I can imagine you would not get much change out of £600 to go to an escort agency in the UK. In Thailand you could buy 5 girls all their drinks and probably the bar itself for that money. lol

I wonder if escort agencies employ fat birds
Quote by Bbw4umen

Be a lot more expensive. dunno I can imagine you would not get much change out of £600 to go to an escort agency in the UK. In Thailand you could buy 5 girls all their drinks and probably the bar itself for that money. lol

I wonder if escort agencies employ fat birds
well if u find any that do let meknow
£600 ffs i'll have a peice of that :mrgreen:
Quote by bouncy332

Be a lot more expensive. dunno I can imagine you would not get much change out of £600 to go to an escort agency in the UK. In Thailand you could buy 5 girls all their drinks and probably the bar itself for that money. lol

I wonder if escort agencies employ fat birds
well if u find any that do let meknow
£600 ffs i'll have a peice of that :mrgreen:
I'd even go halfs if ya fancy 'doubling up'
I think it's ethically wrong to go to a country where there is a lot of poverty; to the extent that people need to sell their bodies for money
You are encouraging not only that industry but other, far more horrific ones that I don't think I need to mention.
People like to switch their brains off when it's a matter of their own selfish pleasure though.
Quote by Laurenxxx_1
I think it's ethically wrong to go to a country where there is a lot of poverty; to the extent that people need to sell their bodies for money
You are encouraging not only that industry but other, far more horrific ones that I don't think I need to mention.
People like to switch their brains off when it's a matter of their own selfish pleasure though.

I don't think it's encouraging 'other far more horrific industries'... you could only be doing that if you were participating in that yourself.
Also if they really need to sell their bodies for money and that just stopped - they couldn't do it anymore... what would they have to resort to then?
Just another way of looking at it
Quote by Bbw4umen
I think it's ethically wrong to go to a country where there is a lot of poverty; to the extent that people need to sell their bodies for money
You are encouraging not only that industry but other, far more horrific ones that I don't think I need to mention.
People like to switch their brains off when it's a matter of their own selfish pleasure though.

I don't think it's encouraging 'other far more horrific industries'... you could only be doing that if you were participating in that yourself.
Also if they really need to sell their bodies for money and that just stopped - they couldn't do it anymore... what would they have to resort to then?
Just another way of looking at it
I Dont consider it unethical.
They choose to exploit the tourists in that way. Others take up tailoring, driving rickshaws etc.
I really dont think prostitution encourages the likes of mr Glitter, otherwise wouldnt Amsterdam also have a serious problem?
I would be very worried about STI though.
Also can you fly into Bangkok at the moment? i thought they had problems
Last time I checked HIV infection in prostitutes/bar girls in Thailand was around 20%. Not gonna google to double check latest figures - but basically a 1 in 5 risk should be enough to put anyone off.
While I'm not 100% against the sex trade (when it is a trade and the girls are in control of their own destiny), it's not something I'd indulge in, not least because of the significant risk factor.
Things have improved in the area, particularly as a result of government efforts to boost condom use and awareness - but I think it's a very risky bet.
If you are looking to "hire" a third (surely there are willing participants herein?), Amsterdam may be your best bet. The girls have a union, and get themselves checked out regularly. As was said earlier - enjoy the sun and beach in the land of smiles - and perhaps stop in the 'dam on the way back for a little nookie!
I'll repeat what others have said; that the free decision to perform sexual acts for money is morally neutral.
In real life however it is usually not a free decison. Drugs, poverty and intimidation play an important part, in this country and elsewhere. Moreover the original poster talks of going to a country with well recorded examples of young girls being sold into prostitution by their families in rural districts in order to bring money in. Why is sex tourism centred on poor countries? I think the answer is obvious and to me unpalatable.
What's wrong with inviting a free minded volunteer from this country into your personal games? Or is the power of telling someone else what to do important for you?
it is unethical and last person has hit the nail right on the head.
If it was a young girl from a council estate who's parents you knew you wouldn't be doing it but becasue it's far away from your own country and any associated repercussions people do it. So it must be some kind of dirty, shameful secret if you've got to go half way around the world to do it!
If you thought it was ok you wouldn't be asking people on here to sanction it for you.
Being new to this scene, I haven't made my mind up yet if people who swing are less moral than the norm or not.
This type of thread inclines me to think less...
The fact that there is an imbalance in world prosperity, is due to western economies having a more powerful hold on the world markets than the poorer countries. We have more control and therefore more trade comes to us, and subsequently more products.
If it was the other way round and we were a poor economy, we would have tourist prostitution and black markets etc.
I've just been pondering this post and I am slightly confused as to what you are actually asking.......there seems to be two questions in your post really:
a) is it ethical to to employ a prostitute to fulfil your fantasies,
b) is this easier/cheaper/more fun when you're in the holiday mind set etc. whilst you are away?
The first thing is that ethics are your own decision and no one can make that decision for you, but that said I would personally think that if you have any doubts then it is probably not right for you.
As to employing a hooker for your fantasies.....if you want to fulfil a certain fantasy of your own without having to give anything back, then yes to a certain extend I think it could be a good course of action, but remember that the girl involved may or may not 'click' with you and your partner. I guess it really depends on if you are just looking for a sexual expierience or more of a connection. I'm not saying you wouldn't get a that sort of connection with a hooker, purely just that you would be more likely to get that from someone you had got to know a bit better before hand.
I think the aboard bit has been answered pretty well by others that have posted and I don't have much more to add as I don't know the areas that you are looking at so well.
Hope that is of some help. smile
This forum's no good!
No one loses their temper
I like a good argument
Everyone's far too laid back evil
Why go all the way to Thailand to fulfil your fantacies? Surely there must be someway of fulfilling them here in good ole blighty! Not only that but many countries are now cracking down on sex tourism and it's far to easy to get caught up on something unsavoury and possibly illegle.
Quote by Laurenxxx_1
This forum's no good!
No one loses their temper
I like a good argument
Everyone's far too laid back evil

Oh, now and then it gets a bit heated :lol2:
hello wave and :welcome: to the forums by the way :smile:
Thanks biggrin
I have a habit of causing trouble on forums
I try to behave but I seem drawn to conflict
I'm f-ed up like that :cry:
I must say I am very impressed by how calm everyone is on this scene though - nothing seems to phase people.
I have thought there must be a parallel with the Bonobo monkeys who are always at it and are also very peaceful.
Quote by amiga1
Why go all the way to Thailand to fulfil your fantacies? Surely there must be someway of fulfilling them here in good ole blighty! Not only that but many countries are now cracking down on sex tourism and it's far to easy to get caught up on something unsavoury and possibly illegle.

I don't think they're just flying out to Thailand for a threesome! lol Thailand is well known for its sex industry so if you're going on holiday there anyway, then why not?! dunno
We were in Thailand recently and went into a few gogo bars, with some pretty bad experiences!
Hot girls on the street trying to persuade you to go in, then not so hot, very bored looking girls dancing and shoving eggs up their fanjitas- nothing sexy about it, and of course, they try and charge you a fortune for your own drinks and the girls that sit next to you and then sneak away!
However, I persuaded Den to go into a massage parlour with me (not just a thai massage parlour...!)
He was so nervous, we had to walk past a couple of times before i finally had to pull him in, much to his embarrassment!
It was awesome! The horrible bit was 'The Goldfish bowl' where the girls all sit behind a glass screen, and you 'select' the one you fancy- i didn't like that part. The girls seemed quite shocked that i was there, but they were all very friendly and complimentary!
In the place we were, there were hundreds of rooms with giant beds and baths in them,so the 2 girls that we had picked took us off to one of those, got us some drinks and gave us a bath, then we both got a great naked massage, starting off in the bath and then a naked oil massage on the bed- den couldn't believe his luck!
We didn't take it any further with the girls, just each other and it was so hot!
To me it seemed pretty professional, the girls were giving a great service and they seemed quite happy about it.
I don't have any moral issues with this, I would even do it myself in that kind of set up if i wanted to, but i don't, and i don't think there is anywhere with that kind of set up in the uk.
I don't have a problem with anyone wanting to use an escort to fulfil a fantasy, but as pk says, it may be easy enough to pay someone, but there just might not be that physical spark between you.
If it's just for something new and different, then why not?!
maz xx