thanks Try a great nite was had & thank you for your hospitality, curries are getting better lol love granny and red riding hood xxx
Thanks once again Try ad a great weekend.
The room was fabulous and so was the evening
See you all at the next one
Thanks Try for another great night. Had a great time met some lovely people for the first time and enjoyed the company of some lovely people too.
Thanks to Tina for doing the door as always and making us feel welcome as soon as we got there
luv annie n si xxxx
Great night Try thanks! The venue was really good as well. Good to see everyone and meet some new people too!
ya did it again try .....
excellent night fab venue hope everyone behaved after i left and we could use it again!!!!!!
good to see everyone as per
loves ya all
adding our thanks for a good evening too
Once the taxi driver found it it was a great night !>.
Nice to see so many people in fancy dress,,, or looking lovely anyway.
thanks to everyone who helped me have a nice night.....
Thank you try for a great evening. venue was great.
sorry to all the onese that came upto me and and got a blank look back, when i had to figure out the face to the name. was great meeting a lot of new faces. and of course some old ones too.
some of the outfits were superb. it was great to see a lot of effort went into them.
i never realised how many birthdays there was in the last few weeks... so Happy Birthday and (belated happy birthday) to everyone who was called up.
right... i'm just of to attack this paw print with some acid! lol.. its refusing to come off!
thanks try had a great time was good to see old and new faces and a great party too hope everyone had a good time x x x x x x x x x x x
Another great social Try -- many thanks
well done again try m8 for a brill nite glad ya found the one and only track but please do 40 lines can do better next time or you will get 40 lashes
Being our first social we didnt know what to expect but we were mayed welcome as soon as we arrived special thanks to misslj and toddie and try you put on a great social mate and we cant wait for the next one.
social king try big up ya self lol
many thanks
thanks try it was a fab night xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks Try echo what everyone else said .. great night.
All together now, "Its fun to stay at the Y . M . A . A . C . A .... !"
Was a pleasure to see friends old and new xx
thanks try was a great enjoyed myself.
Just to add to what everyone said - thank you very much for organising a fab night! Was a great first social to go along to, thank you so much everyone for making us feel welcome! Sorry we had to leave somewhat suddenly, got called away by the almighty babysitter...
Coffee & Cream
Thank you all for turning up and making the night, was great to see new faces and some old ones and some very old ones such as granny with her saggy tits and her gorgeous sexy riding hood who kept her birthday very quiet.
Swinging must be acceptable in the eyes of god as there was a vicar and nun at the social with their dirty habits. I now know why Zoro needs a mask and trekkie you look sexier every time I see you. Picnic thanks for putting the boots on for me you make an old man very happy, was great to meet the warriors and everyone who dressed up for the occasion like me.
Thanks to Scooby and Thelma for helping put the curls in the sandwiches and doing the door at what was the best venue for future meets
A social is as good as the people who are there and I have to say we have the best and well behaved people attending, that is what venue owners, and bar staff say so give yourselves a pat on the back ( not to be mistaken with giving pat from the back)
Happy birthday sweet and naughty
Onwards for the next one
thx try, another brill nite. looking forward to the nxt one xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx