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That funny feeling....

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0 likes get when you just know you've met someone before but there is no way in the world you could have..... have you ever had that?
I went out on Friday night and met some of my mum's colleagues - one of them I really thought I had met before - she looked so familiar. She's only just moved here after living in Cornwall for the whole of her life so there is no way I could have met her anywhere before. We chatted loads that night, like we'd been friends for ages..... how strange!
I'm normally quite a shy person when with people I don't know so it was quite weird to be able to chat to someone like that.
It does happen and its really nice when it does. Soul mates.
This has happened to me twice in my life, you are right its weird. It was like i had known these peeps for years. And we became great friends for years. something there biggrin
Had that feeling twice today. I saw people on the bus who looked really, really familiar as if I knew them, but I'd never met them before.
Also get the same impression with people giving me looks while walking down the street, although that might be to do with sticking me avatar mug on here for so long confused
used to get that feeling all the time when i was walking through my old home town - i realised one day that it was probably people who's houses id worked in when i was a gasman!! lol
have had the serious feeling too - made a cpl of v good friends out of it too! biggrin
Totally ashamed to say that i havn't once had this. I've had that feeling upon looking at someone "now where do i know you from" and just can't place my finger on it. But not of the sense that i may have known them in another life, or as what everyone else calls it soulmates. I do believe they exist though, i believe that you have many numbers of soulmates not just the one and thats it. I believe that a soulmate is someone you have had an extremely strong bond with in a previous life, brother, wife, best friend etc etc. But for you to believe in this you must believe in re-incarnation and all of that. I may be wrong, who knows, but it's nice to have a belief none-the-less.
Now the chatting thing, like we'd known each other for years. That happens to me with anyone, be it male or female. Its just something i have, a bond that grows. I'm no good with a group of people, but get me alone in a room and i just grow a like empathetic bond with someone. All the nattering, laughing, none stop chatter and that all the time. But in a group am one of the most un-social none talkative type of men you would ever talk to. Been told this is because i am an observer, whatever that may mean. Won't even try to explain that, maybe i'll look up a definition at some point.
My advice to you though is stay with this person, whether it be relationship-wise or just best friends. It's always good to have such a bond with someone, reassuring.
Quote by Mikehboy19
I believe that a soulmate is someone you have had an extremely strong bond with in a previous life, brother, wife, best friend etc etc. But for you to believe in this you must believe in re-incarnation and all of that. I may be wrong, who knows, but it's nice to have a belief none-the-less.

All this gives me great comfort, my beliefs are based on the wheel of life and death. Re-incarnation is where the soul goes through many different life times, so your soul experiences as many different emotions, situations. and choices. To me its all a big learning curve, and it is impossible to experience all this in one lifetime. confused
I have learned to go with my instinct (always), and nothing happens by chance or coincidence. There are reasons for everything.
Next time you meet someone you think youve met before, but havent, listen to the voice within, because you probably have wink
warm feeling smile :)
I'm not sure I believe in soul mates - I don't know what I believe in but I do think there is something else other than this life.
I do think that things happen for a reason - I guess it's something that comforts me when things don't go right!
I have had strong connections with people before but never to the extent of Friday night where I thought I'd met her before - still feels quite strange even now!
I do usually follow my instincts - sometimes leading me into trouble but most of the time everything works out for the best - and if it doesn't....there must be a reason for it!

This type of thing has happened to me, actually it happened with a friend I met through SH, but I reckon it's because I've seen their photo on an other site.