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that must of hurt (pic now there)

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i was sent this pic the other day
nice bit of art work i agree but...
it must of hurt like hell gettin it done.
what do you think?
HURT jesus im a woman and its making my eyes water!!!!! :shock:
:shock: :crazy: blink bolt
No pain no gain as they say
Quote by mik69
:shock: :crazy: blink bolt

you not having it done then hun :lol2:
Quote by cplbbw
:shock: :crazy: blink bolt

you not having it done then hun :lol2:
I'm just gobsmacked how he's managed to get hold of my picture :shock: biggrin
Quote by mik69
:shock: :crazy: blink bolt

you not having it done then hun :lol2:
I'm just gobsmacked how he's managed to get hold of my picture :shock: biggrin
if that is so mik69
could you then include a pic of it breathig fire
for all the ladys to see........ duel
Quote by phillstarr
:shock: :crazy: blink bolt

you not having it done then hun :lol2:
I'm just gobsmacked how he's managed to get hold of my picture :shock: biggrin
if that is so mik69
could you then include a pic of it breathig fire
for all the ladys to see........ duel
ye mik come on i WANT to see that wink
Quote by cplbbw
:shock: :crazy: blink bolt

you not having it done then hun :lol2:
I'm just gobsmacked how he's managed to get hold of my picture :shock: biggrin
if that is so mik69
could you then include a pic of it breathig fire
for all the ladys to see........ duel
ye mik come on i WANT to see that wink
seems as though mik has now run for the hills :bolt:
Whoa!! :shock:
I saw that and doubled over!!!
Is it tattooed to look like a snake? Is that a trouser snake??
Mrs Pete just looked at that and nearly puked, so I guess its a thumbs down lol
all tattoos are a piece of art. Each to us own. I know someone who lives locally that is covered in tattoos all over the head & face. Can't see his skin what so ever. He gets heads turning all the time, he has abuse shouted at him when people don't even know him. He is a very genuine man.
Why do looks have to deceive people?
soz didn't finish !! redface I personally don't like the pic put if he does good look to him. There finished now surprisedops:
unfortunately handh thats life when some one sees something thats they
dont no, something that is different, they are ignorant to it and as a form of defence they insult it. my ex had too sisters with learning difficulties and i spend more time having rows with people for picking on them i soon came to realise that they were scared of something hey didnt understand and i learned to walk away from it.
:shock: :shock: :shock: that was heavy for me normal service will resume shortly bolt
thats just being you Cplbbw passionkiss caring
we've had that pic on here before.... the search button is not my friend tonight..... but personally, I love it. The 'eye' is ace, as a piece of work, its superb.
but then I'm a bit of a tat freak anyway lol
Quote by Darkfire
we've had that pic on here before.... the search button is not my friend tonight..... but personally, I love it. The 'eye' is ace, as a piece of work, its superb.
but then I'm a bit of a tat freak anyway lol

ALWAYS wanted one done and mt tongue piercing but im s**t scared of needles and im a scaredy cat :scared:
I'd like a little tattoo done but can some one tell me why they can't numb the skin like they do for piercings? I'm :scared: too!! redface
Quote by hisandhers
I'd like a little tattoo done but can some one tell me why they can't numb the skin like they do for piercings? I'm :scared: too!! redface

they can, if you're really that bad about it!
but - i'd say the 'pain' is part and parcel of having a tattoo, these things dont come off, its only 'rightt' that having one should be memorable and i supose, symbolic.
and - they dont hurt, its not like a 'pain', more of a 'warm scratching' over and over. It does depend where some people have em done mind you - if your pain threshold is pretty low, avoid having one done near bone, such as on your foot. wink
i have several, and the only one which i could say 'hurt' is up the back of my neck - and it wasnt 'pain' more a vibrating round my head feeling! :shock:
You know, when I was a teen, I hated my dad. We fell out in oh so many ways, we crossed swords almost daily I guess just because we could, at the time. I think its to do with the territory thing dunno
But he was a fountain of wisdom, and the one thing he always said to me when we were both lucid, was:
Son, there are very few rules inn life, but one of them is, “” NEVER ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE MARKED””
When I pressed him about wtf he was on about, the only answer I got from him was a note pinned to my pillow that went something like this:
First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me
I think this was actually written by a guy called Martin Niemöller
So, dads advice was, Don’t become a marked person. I don’t quite know how relavant it is in this day and age, but it still keeps on rolling in my head.
As was said
Each to their own
didn`t think the post would spark off such a responce
i personaly think as a piece of art it looks good, there is alot of intracascy (not sure on the spelling), time and effort gone into it.
one thing no one seems to have picked up on is this.
you walk into a tatt shop
you say to the tattoist "i would like a tattoo"
then slap your d..k out and say "could you put it on there please"
mind you, in my case............. redface
and to answer the ? it is a draggon.
The guy must have got off on pain. because to ensure the tattoo looks good he must have had a hard on while getting it done. !
Quote by woohoocock
The guy must have got off on pain. because to ensure the tattoo looks good he must have had a hard on while getting it done. !

I've had tatoos (only got one now had some laserd off) and although it doesn't hurt that much
I really don't think I could maintain an erection during the process especially if it was around THAT area as i've a sneaky suspicion it may be a tad more sensitive :shock: blink But like you said each to there own when it comes to kinks confused
I have had tatoos and also had some removed and I thought they both killed having them on and off and wouldnt have either again
I like to experiment and always like to try something at least once then i know not to do it again if I dont, so not sure after having my bellybutton done and it hurting for months I then went on to have my nipple/clit/tongue and nose piercing( clit &nose now removed tho)