Greetings & Salutations Guys,
Last night in our drunken stupor, we were discussing in the pub the 5 senses:
What would it be like to lose one?
We all have heard of the others compensating ... enhanced hearing for those who are unfortunately blind etc.
Our concensus seemed to be split between Touch & Taste were easier to live without but Sight & Hearing would be worse.
Nothing derogatory was said & that was never the point of our discussion but it got me thinking & hence I will pose the question to you all .....
Which of the 5 senses would you hate to lose?
The WHOOSH Manâ„¢
Smell and taste are very closely related - as is sight. If you close your eyes and try to recognize a food by taste alone it's very difficult. And if you can't smell the food then you lose about 90% of the taste effect. Remember how horrible and bland food is when you have a cold and can't even smell the powerful fumes of Olbas Oil.
sight would be the worst to lose by far
i have selective hearing quiet often at work
and agree with the medic ,being a curry fiend your taste buds do get a bit 'deadened'
My audioligist sees a lot of elderly folk who suffer terribly bring very hard of hearing and have very debilitating (is the the right word?) sight problems like cataracts. Apparently, given the choice, they would rather have better hearing than better sight.
I feel the same. I've been very hard of hearing since about 3 or 4 - well, that's when they discovered it and very short-sighted since about 9 or 10 and I would much prefer to have my hearing back than my sight.
What would I rather lose?? i think I could live without never smelling my good mate Alex_Female's farts again or tasting the sugar when I've picked up the wrong cuppa!
I just couldn't bear not to hae the sense of touch! Imagine not being able to feel some one holding you...doesn't bear thinking about. I once met a woman who was deaf and blind and she had learned a whole somunication system where you do sign language on her hand and vice versa, so maybe in the long run we could all get by as long as we can feel things.
im just wondering who would rather have smell than sight!!!!
Bugger - I voted for smell but that is because I thought it was about Magnums.
I'm addicted.
I think its hard to imagine what its like to loose one of your senses but I think sight would be hardest for me.
But then no music without hearing so that would be tough too.