D is for Dogging
What is dogging? Dogging is a pack activity. Each pack has its own rules and culture. I will relate just one night with one pack. Some may be true of other pack some not.
The pack began to gather as the light was fading. The pack arrived in ones and two. Sound could be heard coming form some of the cars. What was going on was not clear.
By the time it was dark the pack had become large. Then it started, the display began. At first it was tentative, loose clothing. the alpha females sat on the front of cars swinging their legs. Then the alpha males started to move closer. As the alphas displayed to one another others started to peel back shirts and start to display. The alpha males started to mate with the alpha females. The others looked on. The other males began to display their ablity to mate by masturbating. Other females began to select males and joined in the mating rituals. Each male did his best to attract and female and thus enhance his status within the pack. Then the females started to select new mates. Even after the alpha females stopped mating they continued to display. As the night went on members of the pack started to move away. At last only the bachelor males were left. They continued to display to one another until even they drove away into the dark.
This is only one study and can not be a definitive definition so please feel free to add. Have you seen this amazing ritual?