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The absolute worst.......

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Quote by MikeNorth
Escape To Victory
...complete with Sylvester Stallone in goal! lol :lol:

its still the best football film ever made!......just goes to show how bad all the others are!
Quote by tweeky
Jeepers creepers, its was fine for 20 mins before the plot began to fall apart mad If he's a giant indestructable bat why does he have a van in the first place? where did he get the van? how did he buy fuel e.g. .......
"hello Mr giant indestructable bat thats $ please, do you want cash back?"
I dont do forum posting anymore but Jeepers creepers annoyed me so much I felt it worth it smile Surprisingly though Jeepers creepers 2 wasent that bad as they just got on with the fact that this things a giant indestructable bat that kills people. That made a nice simple horror film.
Gota be disagreeing with the rocky comments though sad Rocky 1 is a classic even if the rest are tosh, Thats why it won oscars.

I thought Jeepers was the biggest pile of dog crap I've ever seen while I was reluctantly watching it.
Until I went to bed and had the worst nightmares I've ever experienced :shock: :scared:
Debbie Does Dallas
Revelation 2001 with Terence Stamp
Awful sub Omen meets Holy Blood Holy Grail plot poorly acted and cut
Starring The Rock - direst Sci Fi / Horror romp ever...Bar None
Quote by kfn1778
Revelation 2001 with Terence Stamp
Awful sub Omen meets Holy Blood Holy Grail plot poorly acted and cut
Starring The Rock - direst Sci Fi / Horror romp ever...Bar None

Was Doom worse than Resident Evil 1 or 2? Never manager to seat through either as they were pants
Freddy got fingered Tom Green
Turned it off halfway through. just thought it was absolute garbage. And no woman called Freddy got fingered at all! lol
Quote by Missy
Grease 2 sad :( :( :(
Grease is one of my fave films, never get tired of watching it........ the first time I watched it as a teenager at the pictures - to say I was blown away is an understatement.
I went straight out and bought myself some shiny trousers (no lycra back then!!), little blouse and high heeled platform clogs :smile2: Felt the bees knees in it at the Disco at the local church hall - even if it did take twice as long as normal to walk there :undecided: ........ I was Sandy!! :lol2:.........

Fluck Grease 2 - Sandy! Sandy! Come to me!!! :inlove:
O N-J eat yer heart out!! (I never thought I'd ever say that!! )
Oh and one of my worst was Day of Judgement dunno
Missy, lol
shiny trousers :P
I had to resurrect this... as I was recently made to sit through Drop Dead Fred and House Bunnyboth utter drivel.
Now Rick Mayall can be funny but Drop Dead Fred was just the same joke/slapstick routine over and over again.
As for House Bunny... wannabe Playboy centrefold becomes House Mother for a failing sorority of geeky girls at an American Uni... *yaaaaaaaaaaaawn*
Here's a warning then Don't waste any money on
Area 51? the alien movie that came out this year
What a load of ..S**T
dogma is class and in my opinion the best kevin smith film
worst film has to be the last superman film the only film i have been to where people got up and walked out before the end
Quote by Kaznkev
dogma is class and in my opinion the best kevin smith film
worst film has to be the last superman film the only film i have been to where people got up and walked out before the end

no leathered, smackbottom for disagreeing with me lol
dogma sucked on every level,then tori amos as god,pleeeeeease,
You either get Jay & Bob films or you don't. i love em, which is odd as it's probably the opposite of the type of films i usually watch, but i just laugh like an ejit at Jays over the top 'what the fuck is that, who the fuck are you and what the fuck is she doing here?' rants (which whould sound a bit 'there for shock and show' in another film, but they work for some reason in this- probably beacause it takes the piss out of itself a little). Bob's facial expressions also make me laugh and in general Kevin Smith films always seem to have a good dig at the Catholic Church, which is fine by me.
As for Alanis Morrisette....well i definitley would :rascal:
Yep I know it's new, I know it's got great graphics. Fabulous graphics in fact.
But the plot? What bloomin' plot?
I should have walked in the first 5 mins when they started wittering on about "The neutrinos from the Sun are different". Just how the F do you get a different Nutrino - it's a fundamental particle for God's sake!
It got worse from there - but the 2 worst bits were later on.
1. A number of people trapped in various (previously joined) flooding compartments in a ship. Rescuers come to the first bulkhead and spend x amount of time - no, NOT cutting through or doing anything to effect a rescue - they INTRODUCE THEMSELVES to the poor drowning sods the other side. Liteally - "I'm xxx, we met at the yyy you remember?" (I don't remember the details as I was too cross).
2. Before diving into a flooding compartment - in a last ditch attempt to save hundreds of people from DYING - our hero and some woman (wife?) engage in about 5 minutes of snogging.
If you haven't seen it yet - don't bother. And don't bother with the DVD as the graphics are only at their best on a cinema screen.
Quote by brucie
The absolute worst....... movie in the world!
What's the worst film you have ever seen, or will admit to seeing anyway?
Mine has to be Dante's Peak. Basically I watched it because it had Pierce Brosnan :twisted: in but it was SO dire!
The bit that really got me was when Pierce Brosnan and Linda Hamilton reversed back up the mountain to save a dog. Now this might sound lovely but they were driving in/on molten lava ffs! But unsurprisingly the trusty station wagons tyres didn't burst from the heat, the car didn't catch fire, their clothes didn't spontaneously combust and they all live happily ever after!!!!!! :shock:

havent read teh thread but it has to be 2012 doomsday. bought it off a chinese man in paris to watch on eurostar on way home and it turned out not to be the 2012 blockbuster i was hoping for...
i made that mistake when i errmmm stumbled across it on some random website,it was utter shite then i watched 2012 the blockbuster and realised 2012 doomsday wasnt so bad after all
Brother fucking Bear. banghead
Quote by Kaznkev
dogma is class and in my opinion the best kevin smith film
worst film has to be the last superman film the only film i have been to where people got up and walked out before the end

no leathered, smackbottom for disagreeing with me lol
dogma sucked on every level,then alanis morrisete as god,pleeeeeease,
sorry i'm with leathered on this one dogma was genius one of my top ten films
my worst is THE HAPPENING omg what a completely pointless waste of 90 minutes that was :fuckinghell:
....and "Happy Feet"
Even my three year old asked me to pass her a bucket.