It all started off a few weeks ago in the chatroom when I was chatting to a lady who was to attend her second Munch...The Mids Munch. She was very nervous and I said if she wanted she could always come and 'hide' with me behind the DJ gear. She replied that that was very nice of me but would be difficult for her as I always had my 'Fan Club' with me!!!
So it got me thinking....Who was in this 'Fan-Club'??
Anyway.....just before leaving for the Mids Munch, I ran off 10 very hastily designed and made badges just to see who would want them (if anyone)
During the Mids Munch (Great night..thanx to Helen and all who came) they all went!!!!
So currently the unofficial membership is 13
Claire Cameron (Obviously)
10 badges given out at the Munch..of which 4 I can't remember who I gave them out to!!!

and 1 who I had no badge for!! (sorry were late afterall!!)
I'm doing nice new badges in plastic holders (Thanx kaz) so when I see any members at the next social/Munch/whenever you can have them!!!
See you soon
Luv Alex_Deejay