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The (all new) PM victim of the week...

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135 replies
15 watchers
Just sent some more:
Why are self help books called so when the author's helping you?
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
Quote by johneboy
Oh I'm so happy lol
Postie you are a superstar kiss , why didn't I think of this earlier, I've been racking my brains trying to think of somethin 'special' for M2PU's return...and here it is :thumbup:
Now can I just clarify, it is only one question per PM isn't it? dunno
Good, cos I'm off hunting Google for a couple of hundred :grin:
I'll keep you posted.

About time you showed up! Was begining to think...Johneboy starts all this and then disappears making it look like me picking on my mate meaty...
And M2PU was right.. .. let me remind you.....

now I think this should stop...
:giggle: you's are just sooo norty smackbottom
but i like it....
thought id throw a few general knowledge questions into the mix wink these should be easy for meat to answer, you are being so mean sendinfg him just hard questions lol :lol: :lol: ,, nice easy ones, :wink:
Arts: The word 'art' is derived from the Latin for what,,,?
Games: In which country did chess originate
Health: Which one of the human bodies' systems controls hormones?
History: Which US president was shot 5 days after the end of the American Civil War?
Science: The word 'science' comes from the Greek for what?
Society: The language with the most native speakers is?
Technology: What device mixes air and petrol for the internal combustion engine?
Quote by postie
About time you showed up! Was begining to think...."hmmm, you never see M2PU and Johneboy in the same place!"
And just to goad you into it a bit more... let me remind you.....
go get him!

Postie, read my lips... pack it in, NOW!! smackbottom
I would like to reiterate an earlier point though :jagsatwork: Meaty might have buggered off without saying a word but it's unfair to do this behind his back.
Stop now people smackbottom :smackbottom:
Leave the guy alone, he's done nowt!
Have asked him if the big bang was the first outdoor dogging meet.
Does anyone know how many PMs it will take to fill up his message storage area (I have been very careful here with my wording so as not to fall into the "meaty box" comment of a few posts ago)
And if possible, can one of the Mods increase his space until after he returns so that he gets the full benefit of this jape
Well done postie - this goes down as one of your best yet !! And just shows why I have been singing your praises in my previous posts !!
From me:
Tell me:
A word in the English language with the vowels in alphabetical order.
A word in the English language with the vowels in reverse alphabetical order.
A word in the English language with no vowels.
Three words in the English language ending in 'gry'.
The meaning and origin of the word 'gymnasium'
A word that rhymes with no other word.
Thanks biggrin
I asked "whats the most amount of pm's you've had in your inbox. biggrin :D :D :D
Quote by freckledbird
From me:
Tell me:
A word in the English language with the vowels in alphabetical order.
A word in the English language with the vowels in reverse alphabetical order.
A word in the English language with no vowels.
Three words in the English language ending in 'gry'.
The meaning and origin of the word 'gymnasium'
A word that rhymes with no other word.
Thanks biggrin

Well, you just bloody would, wouldnt you!
Just thought of a few more and sent another pm asking.......
Just need to know .............................
What nasty person put an S in the word Lisp.
Why are they called apartments, when they are all stuck together.
Why does the sun lighten your hair, but darken your skin.
Why dont sheep shrink when it rains
You know that indestructable black box....why is the WHOLE plane made out of that stuff
So when you gonna answer them......We are waiting...................he he he he
Postie..... You are gonna be in sooooooo much trouble when he gets back :giggle:
Quote by tigersgobounce69
Postie.....Have you noticed Johneboy has changed what you said???

I have ...... bugger! Johneboy you are devious!
With M2PU... ?? :shock:
Nah... maybe we'll :sparring: duel
or maybe drinkies :cheers:
but i'm scared of him ... so i'll l probably bolt
before M2PU :kick: me
I've just sent another, my third, but I just can't help myself.. This one went along the lines of
Postie says you are a genealogist (or did he say you were an old fossil, I can't remember), anyway, I have a question that is burning, and just need to know the answer asap
What are the chemical differences between gold and iron pyrites (fools gold) They look similar, so why is the so called "fools gold" not as valuable ?!?
Thanks for your prompt attention in this matter

Wonder if his box (oooer) is full yet !!
Have just send a secound question:
Good morning M2PU;
As all the questions in the Cafe about how to get in to the Chatroom are locked by the Mods and I do not want to upset them could you please send me detailed instructions of how one goes about using the SH Chatroom?
Yours in anticipation;
Quote by freckledbird
From me:
Tell me:
A word that rhymes with no other word.
Thanks biggrin

I can't believe no-one has asked M2PU yet that old philosophical question that EVERYONE must have asked, or been asked at some point, so I am going to ask that one of him, I think a few more people should also ask exactly the same question to really wind him up....
"If a tree falls in the forest, and no-one is around to hear it fall, does it still make a noise?"
PS Now up to "ooo isn't this exciting" yay !!
Quote by Captain-dogger
From me:
Tell me:
A word that rhymes with no other word.
Thanks biggrin

:shock: Don't tell him the bloody answers. PM me if you want to answer them, don't post on here!
HappyCats - you wouldn't have expected anything else would you? wink :D
i wrote my secand question to m2p .
How come boiled water freezes faster than cold water ..
Do tigers have striped skin or striped fur ..
Is it true that an apple an onion and potatoe tast the same holding your nose rotflmao
Quote by freckledbird
From me:

:shock: Don't tell him the bloody answers. PM me if you want to answer them, don't post on here!
ooops sorry Frecklebird,
I dont get a spanking now do i
Quote by welshBIcouple
Does anyone know how many PMs it will take to fill up his message storage area !

I think it is 40 per page and 10 pages = 400
lol Are we there yet?
Would love one Frecklebird
but...Sssshh dont tell anyone wink
postie is gonna be in sooooooooooo much shit when whassisnameM2whatsit gets back!
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Err.................or will we? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :scared: :scared: :scared:
My second question to Mr Meat:
Why are all Fire Engines called Dennis?
Just thought id ask another .......
Do you wish you hadn't gone away now ???
Worth coming out of hiding for lol
Postie tells me that we should PM you with a question dunno
So.... please explain the difference between the terms "flammable" and "inflammable".
Thank you
:giggle: bolt
Have just asked why Postie should be feeling guilty.
Just sent my one..................I mean 3!! lol :lol:
Have asked him.....
Why do we have toenails?
Whats the largest number in the world?
How many caterpillars can you fit into a mini?
(The Laird is seriously worried about my sanity) :shock: :shock: