No this has nothing to do with, "does size matter"
This is The Big Question.
What drives you? Do you have a specific goal in life and how do you know what your goal is?
I ask (well a number of you will guess what has realy prompted this)because Im turned 40, and I dont seem to be going anywhere, worst of all I dont knoiw where I want to go!!
When I was in my 20's it was so easy, The road was clear, bigger house, newer car, get kids through school, colegfe uni etc , but what now?
How does one define ones goal in life?
Before anyone tghinks why post that here , in Tanias conditioner thread Sgt Bilko has implied that he would like more pressing and improtant problems!!
Lucrative pickings here for the time-line therapists methinks
This is the question that keeps me up at night :shock:
I have no idea. I thought I did. But I'm 25 and fairly directionless. and mostly terrified.
I heard some lyrics this morning which hit home to me:
Shower the ones you love with love
Think I will work really hard at that one.
It seems that Ozzie Osbourne has won loads of admirers just for the way he treats his children - showing them that he loves them all the time. Batty as a fruitcake but demonstrative and able to articulate his love and deep affection for his family and friends. Think he hates the animals though!!
My goals:
To allow my wheelchair to gather dust for a few years more.
To be with Reese till my hair is greyer than his, and then some.
To see the bloody kids move out.
One of the best things I ever read was something about working all your life to get to the top of the ladder. But what happens when you get to the top and find the ladder is against the wrong wall?
I guess for me the "goal" is to be happy with who I am and contented with the life I lead. I no longer wish to work ridiculous hours, stressed out at work so that I can have a bigger/better car or a bigger/better house. I would rather go to sleep at night with a smile on my face and wake up the next morning happy and joyful at what the day may bring.
See that guy on my sig? His name is Tony Robbins, he's helped me a lot in that regard.
I have his personal power II CD set too, if you would like to listen to them with me one day (obviously I couldn't copy them, that'd be copyright infingement....)
To have enough money or a good enough job to live in sunshine all year round...
Here is the Tony Robbins discussion board on goal setting, what I suggest you look for is RPM (Rapid Planning Method) or OPM (Outcome P(can't remember) Massive-action), there is some really great stuff there, there was one particular thread started by Lisa (can't remember her last name) that went through the entire thing, it was an awesome set of posts, if you want I can find it out for you.
i went for a long run after reading this post/posting my initial response, as this caught me at a particularly low point in my mental state.
I agree with other people on this post: whatever it is you are doing, the goal should be that you are happy. Content. That no matter what is is, raising children well, working for success in your company, you are living your life for YOU. My partner and I definiltely chose career paths that are difficult and don't lead to money, but we followed our hearts, and I wish everyone has that opportunity.
There was that advice song, produced by Baz Lurman: Everybody's Free to Wear Sunscreen. FANTASTIC song, and on point with this topic. I listen to it whenever doubt about my life creeps in.
oooh good one Foxy....
Well i dont have any plans (career or otherwise) because life doesnt follow plans lol
But i do:-
Want to enjoy every day as much as I can
Live as spontaneously as possible
Meet and make new friends
Travel more nationally and internationally
Get a job and broaden my horizons (once kids at full time school)
To see my kids struggling with their temperamental 2 yr olds :giggle:
To have enough money to allow me to stop and smell the flowers
To be able to help friends whenever we can - financially and emotionally
To repay our friends for their support and love through the hard times
Pretty vague i guess, but im easily pleased and not a hugely ambitious person. My motto is work to live, not live to work. :twisted:
i go where ever life takes me .
When i went out into the Real World this afternon i thought that this post wasnt going to get any replies at all, that no one could obvilusly understand a word i was going on about and that i was clearly going round the twist, so i was delighted to come home and find all the above replies.
Dont think im anynearer the answer though.
As far as religion goes i ve found my own beliefs and although they arent orthodox they suit me,
Materialy im ok , not rich but happy with what ive got, im afraid i cant see aquisition of weath as a purpose in life
Family wise everything is fine, all 3 kids have done wel, grown into wonderfull adultsl and h/b is great
Health wish
Im not in bad nick for my age
Ive spent the last 15 tears of my life giving of myself professionally and i know ive left my mark
For all the above, im grateful, so what is the missing link and where do i find it?
With luck i have at least another 30 years left and i dont want to drift aimlessly.
Im currently in the middle of reading , "The man who sold his Ferrari" and thats not helping any
So again i ask what gives you a purpose in life and makes each day worth wakening up for and how do i find it?
you need to set out 3 main goals but keep them fluide
1 short term the next 6-8 months
2 midium term 8mth to 2years
3 long term 2yrs +