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The Bitchin' Thread

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Quote by PoloLady
I find myself wondering:
G – where have all the interesting people gone?
H – where have all the interesting people gone?
I – where have all the interesting people gone? (yes I wonder about that one a lot)
K – what the fluck is going on?
Q – where have ll the interesting people gone?
R – where have all the interesting people gone?
S – where have all the interesting people gone?
T – do any of these people actually swing or even have sex of the non-marital kind?
U – why is this so crap?
V – what has happened?
Z – where have all the interesting people gone?
:fuckinghell: :fuckinghell: :fuckinghell: :fuckinghell: :fuckinghell:

Well two of the funniest posters have been banned .
A few others have buggered off to other more interesting sites.
And that leaves us with as lot of people who think that the site is here purely to enlighten them on the contents of someones purse/bathroom cabinet/computer table or, worse still, is here to merely satisfy their sexual fantasies regardless of who gets trodden on in the process.
Lovely place. Why not tell everyone you know about it?
Well, you're still here so it can't be all bad now, can it??
Quote by Jags
Well, you're still here so it can't be all bad now, can it??

I thought that one too.
I got pissed off with this place so I took a break, did me the world of good cos now I don't care when other people wanna moan, tell me the size of their cock, that they shave it or that it smokes aswell for its little party trick.
Real Life is beyond the four walls and the PC and soooo much more worth grasping and experiencing than whining, whinging and generally feeling a lot of hatred. It wouldn't be a community if there wasn't a range of things to read. This place gives you whatever you want it to give you, things have changed since the "good old days" but lets face it wagon wheels arent the same as they used to be either. dunno
Mmmmm and have curly wurlys shrunk too or is it just that I have been travelling for too long, being away from old blighty has frazzled my head!??? lol
Gem. x
Quote by little gem
Well, you're still here so it can't be all bad now, can it??

I thought that one too.
I got pissed off with this place so I took a break, did me the world of good cos now I don't care when other people wanna moan, tell me the size of their cock, that they shave it or that it smokes aswell for its little party trick.
Real Life is beyond the four walls and the PC and soooo much more worth grasping and experiencing than whining, whinging and generally feeling a lot of hatred. It wouldn't be a community if there wasn't a range of things to read. This place gives you whatever you want it to give you, things have changed since the "good old days" but lets face it wagon wheels arent the same as they used to be either. dunno
Mmmmm and have curly wurlys shrunk too or is it just that I have been travelling for too long, being away from old blighty has frazzled my head!??? lol
Gem. x
No you're entirely normal Gem :therethere: kiss
Quote by little gem
Well, you're still here so it can't be all bad now, can it??

I thought that one too.
I got pissed off with this place so I took a break, did me the world of good cos now I don't care when other people wanna moan, tell me the size of their cock, that they shave it or that it smokes aswell for its little party trick.
Real Life is beyond the four walls and the PC and soooo much more worth grasping and experiencing than whining, whinging and generally feeling a lot of hatred. It wouldn't be a community if there wasn't a range of things to read.
Gem. x
Agreed, there is no one forcing me to read the forum, but like a bad car accident, I can't just drive by without sneaking a peak. And old habits die hard. But I watch with decreasing interest.
Little Gem I agree, there is more to life than the PC and these four walls - I have always known it . I have a very full life in the real world and an even fuller one now that I rarely visit, and what irritates me about SH is that some people seem to forget that we live in this real world where there are certain ways of behaving. This is reflected in the way they treat people. I may come across as angry but the anger is aimed at myself. How I let myself be treated like a dishrag for so f***ing long I really dont know. Maybe I just had a hell of a lot of bad luck.
SH for me, now, is becoming a fond memory. Maybe one day I will see it in a different light. Maybe not. It's not like anyone cares is it.
Yeah, its kinda like a bad car accident sometimes. That morbid fascination thing! lol
People do care, probably more than they should and thats I think why this place has changed so much, because it means so much in different ways to different people.
Things will never be as good as they were but then if folk stopped concentrating on how bad its got maybe the mood would lift and things would be better. If this place has become nothing more than a habit to everyone then it will become as dull as an old washed out bra.
Gem. x -an eternal annoying optimist
Quote by little gem
Yeah, its kinda like a bad car accident sometimes. That morbid fascination thing! lol
People do care, probably more than they should and thats I think why this place has changed so much, because it means so much in different ways to different people.
Things will never be as good as they were but then if folk stopped concentrating on how bad its got maybe the mood would lift and things would be better. If this place has become nothing more than a habit to everyone then it will become as dull as an old washed out bra.
Gem. x -an eternal annoying optimist

what colur is your bra little gem??? And your bikini? Do you like pink colour when it is about underwear?
Quote by Happy Cats
Its not us, PoloLady, its you - youre boring!
I've had a fantastic time -
Today the kids nearly walked in on me going down on the missus for the first time, after slapping her to get to get her to agree. Whilst reading about an Eastenders star dogging, she was doing her make up in her phone, thinking about what she was doing this weekend, all I could think about was wishing that I had had a bath instead of a shower.
I was reminiscing as to where we had first shagged and what we were listening to at the time, and all she could think about was changing career because she wasn’t as sexy as she used to be.
I then fell out of the bed and she got turned on watching it happen and decided to finish herself off but couldn’t remember where she had hidden her favorite toy. I thought “fuck this”, lit up a fag and she got all offended.
A rather poor impression of a tm Sgt Bilko

What a busy life you lead!!! confused :? lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by romance
what colur is your bra little gem??? And your bikini? Do you like pink colour when it is about underwear?

Bra... well I have a drawer full of all sorts of colours, white, black, red, pink, lilac, blue, flesh, purple, maroon. Bikinis I have dark blue, 2 turquoise, mixed blues, black, navy and my swimsuit is navy (more flattering a slimming colour than black). I do like the colour pink but only certain shades.
HTH. As for the reason you ask.... I've no idea! lol