Who you calling a wimp -Manofnofun?
Happy Birthday!
Its my human one on Sunday
Happy SH birthday Bev xxxxxxxx
I'm just to happy to bitch at anyone just yet...................but if I hear that crazy feckin' frog just one more time....................its feckin' number one for gods sake !!!!
stop bitching all of you
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
You bunch of lily livered, pathetic do gooders!
You're offered the chance of being nasty and bitching and all you're being nice to each other.
Come on, have a go at me!
be gentle though
What this therad need is a dog to liven things up a little....
I'll feck off when I am good and ready to in the mean time quit shouting!
Scuse me I'm a feckin' frog not a feckin' toad and if you don't like the ring tones then get some feckin' ear plugs....
Beware of the frog's fart - now that is deadly!