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the blame deancannock thread

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I should like to blame deancannock for the fact that there is no naked man standing in mysnowy garden!

(Fab photos on the Snow thread!)
well dean i feel very let down i thought i would wake up this morning to a good foot of snow but instead the measly 3 inches we got has started melting away already :cry: and its all your fault smackbottom
Quote by TheLovelyOne
I should like to blame deancannock for the fact that there is no naked man standing in my snowy garden!

(Fab photos on the Snow thread!)

give me sat nav ref..and i'll come and do this for ya !!!! well so long as the neighbours don't mind.
Quote by bouncy332
well dean i feel very let down i thought i would wake up this morning to a good foot of snow but instead the measly 3 inches we got has started melting away already :cry: and its all your fault smackbottom

3 inches..and your complaining.....some women never :twisted:
Quote by deancannock
I should like to blame deancannock for the fact that there is no naked man standing in my snowy garden!

(Fab photos on the Snow thread!)

give me sat nav ref..and i'll come and do this for ya !!!! well so long as the neighbours don't mind.

Thank you so much! Perhaps you'd attend to my bush while you're out there? Satnav ref PHW 0AR.
Safe journey kiss
Quote by bouncy332
well dean i feel very let down i thought i would wake up this morning to a good foot of snow but instead the measly 3 inches we got has started melting away already :cry: and its all your fault smackbottom

okay so I re-ordered snow for today thursday....did it arrive at correct place this time !!!!!!
yep sure did got 6 inches at least ty very muchly hunny pie you will recieve your reward soon :rose:
omg this still going it be 2 year anni soon lol ..... i have to blame dean for that hahaha x
i blame dean for over ordering the weather and causing us to get sunburn this weekend
Quote by two-4-more
i blame dean for over ordering the weather and causing us to get sunburn this weekend

i also blamde dean for the weather... as it burnt the top bit... but forgot the bottom 'arf
I can't think of anything i could blame dean for?
you requested sun......for swing camp...and although the delivery people were a little did arrive....and hey Jiggle..with legs as white as yours it would take 6 weeks solid exposure to even turm then an off white
I am blaming Dean for allowing me out of his tent long enough to get my nose sunburnt. It was very sore, has peeled and i am now on Penicillin!
Next time, please keep me pinned down on the airbed lol .
Quote by Trickychicky
I am blaming Dean for allowing me out of his tent long enough to get my nose sunburnt. It was very sore, has peeled and i am now on Penicillin!
Next time, please keep me pinned down on the airbed lol .

wont the airbed puncture if you are pinned :lol:
very good point..sara....and the very reason I allowed you out as to allow the air bed time to recover !!!!... lol
Oh bollocks!
From the warm depths of my Sunday morning lie in I can see that I've left all my car windows open all night and it's raining as it's rarely rained before - sideways into the car.
I should like to blame deancannock!
oh see...oh lovely one....the rain is a blessing..sent by me. If had been a warm dry night burglars would have been more likely to have been out and about...and seeing your windows open, would have been away with your car and its contents !! Now...a rainy seat may indeed end in a wet bum....but at least you have a car !! The rain was a blessing !!
I blame Dean for me working so many bloody night shifts I have no time for fun sad
Quote by Sassy-Seren
I blame Dean for me working so many bloody night shifts I have no time for fun sad

Drop your little black book over Sass - I'll have it for you!
Quote by TheLovelyOne
I blame Dean for me working so many bloody night shifts I have no time for fun sad

Drop your little black book over Sass - I'll have it for you!
Get yer own, cheeky mare! smackbottom
This the law of averages see,,sassy...its just me trying to even things out and give the others a chance. YOU just to attractive and takeing gaining to much male thought only right the others has a couple of weeks to snap a few available men themselves.
Now come on girls play nice and share !!!! lol
i blame dean for all the rain we are having come on dean bring us some sunshine please mad
Quote by deancannock
Now come on girls play nice and share !!!! lol

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Quote by bouncy332
i blame dean for all the rain we are having come on dean bring us some sunshine please mad

yes i accept the rain....its coz i pre-ordered sun for camp..and I delivered on had to have rain to even it up. Tell you what....suffer some showers this week..and i'll have a word and make next week sunny..any you excuse for more indoor fun !!!
its still sunny in wales dean thankyou xxxxxxxx kiss
Quote by deancannock
This the law of averages see,,sassy...its just me trying to even things out and give the others a chance. YOU just to attractive and takeing gaining to much male thought only right the others has a couple of weeks to snap a few available men themselves.
Now come on girls play nice and share !!!! lol

Me getting all the attention? Ha!! I wish! rolleyes
and that flossy drawers Lovely One can naff off. I know what ( or who :twisted: ) she's after and she ain't having him duel
well, not til I've finished with him wink
Quote by Sassy-Seren
and that flossy drawers Lovely One can naff off. I know what ( or who :twisted: ) she's after and she ain't having him duel

Dean says you have to share poke
look nice..else I may be forced to come down and sort you out myself !!!!!!!!!
Quote by TheLovelyOne

and that flossy drawers Lovely One can naff off. I know what ( or who :twisted: ) she's after and she ain't having him duel

Dean says you have to share poke
make me flipa
Help! Help!
Come and sort us out!