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The Bottle

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46 replies
4 watchers
Having managed to catch the bit of Big Brother with the bottle incident, i at least knew what everyone was talking about at work today, by now you are probably thinking yea so, my point being (i am the lady in this relationship) is.
Was it only me that was thinking SO whats the problem with that, it appeared that my work mate's found it so disgusting, yes i know she may be playing up for the camera.
But is it only me that thinks the majority of society hide there sexual antics or are they really that repressed that they feel that they should follow the crowd.
Now I dont watch BB but I did hear about what happened last night and I have got to agree with everything you said about people hiding and often being ashamed by their own sexual activities/beliefs etc.
Some colleagues were also dicussing this at work today and saying just how disgusted they were. I had to just drop out of the conversation cause when I asked if it was a red or white wine bottle they didnt find it amusing lol I always manage to say the wrong thing!!!!!
could have been red either way if she did not leave the cork in
redface well thats what i heard surprisedops:
Sorry to seem such an idiot, but what wine bottle incident
I dont watch big brother and never have.
does anyone else find wine bottles a little bit cold????
Quote by LisaMarie
Sorry to seem such an idiot, but what wine bottle incident
I dont watch big brother and never have.
does anyone else find wine bottles a little bit cold????

You might not have watched it, but you certainly got the right idea lol
Ah, but is the common consensus that it was disgusting, real? Or was everyone going along with what they were "expected" to say... and behave themselves in polite society?
Personally that's why i'm so comfortable here on SH, as most things that are considered outside of the norm for most of society are consider fun, normal and exciting by people here...and aren't abashed at discussing things or being open and honest.
As for red or white wine.... I wouldn't care, as long as it was an empty bottle, wouldn't want to be wasting any!!!
Quote by LisaMarie
Sorry to seem such an idiot, but what wine bottle incident
I dont watch big brother and never have.
does anyone else find wine bottles a little bit cold????

Chunky_love put up a link to it in a different thread...
Quote by Chunky Love
Here's the clip from last night if you missed it.. Not for the feint of heart. lol
It will be very interesting to find out what happens tonight. I wounder weather she will be embarrested about it but then by the way she has been since she arrived I dought it.
Yes I got caught a couple of weeks ago
a few dregs were left in the bottle god
it killed.
took ages to stop stinging
Quote by postie
Ah, but is the common consensus that it was disgusting, real? Or was everyone going along with what they were "expected" to say... and behave themselves in polite society?
Personally that's why i'm so comfortable here on SH, as most things that are considered outside of the norm for most of society are consider fun, normal and exciting by people here...and aren't abashed at discussing things or being open and honest.
As for red or white wine.... I wouldn't care, as long as it was an empty bottle, wouldn't want to be wasting any!!!

Just what i was trying to get at, but your way with words are far more eliq eli BETTER rolleyes
I just say what I feel in public, I think thats why I dont have many friends ;)
Personally I'd consider such an act as normal behaviour, which shows that i was born to be posting over here at SH biggrin. Society will always consider acts as disgusting, too many people with narrow-minded views for it not to. But thats what so great about being in the minority, you get to enjoy such things and smile serenely at anyone that looks at it as .
Or at least thats how i feel...
I've only seen the clip that Chunky Love put up - and quite frankly couldn't see anything sexual in the episode at all!! confused dunno
She shoved a bottle up herself? (allegedly) From what I saw of the three people during the event - one was saying oh I've got a bottle up my fanny, one was practically wetting himself laughing and the other looked horrified.
Noone seemed to be turned on. It didn't come across as any kind of sexual liberation at all, to me it looked like some poor desperate girl out for any kind of attention she can possibly scavenge :? :dunno:
Now had it been an erotic situation, like I said I only saw that clip - was there any lead up to the actual bottle thing? From what I saw of the three of them, there wasn't. Had it been an erotic situation, had the evening been fueled with sparks, electric, flirting, innuendo, the basic or even the subtlest of horny stuff - then yeh go for it if she was having fun and she was doing it because she felt horny, was totally turned on, wanted a release, fair play.
But jeez, don't do it just for press coverage, personally I think that's just pretty sad :?
Oh god, just read me last post there rolleyes
I kinda put it wrong, cos I didn't want to do the poor girl down. I just feel that she could've shown herself in a much better light. She's beautiful, she has fantastic expression, she is very open........ she could've just blossomed in that house, had the opportunity to outshine everyone, but instead of using her natural presence for impact, she chose the quick option and shoved a bottle up herself (allegedly) within 2 days of being there sad
Whatever she does now she will never be known as a gorgeous bubbly fun girl - she'll just be known as that one who shoved a bottle up herself on telly confused
She was in the house before and then had the chance to watch Bb again and read newspapers etc etc. She obviously is trying to shock so people will keep her in to see what she does next. She won't win doing that but she'll go down in reality Tv folklore.
Well, I think it is outrageous, a poor reflection on todays society, what if her parents were watching?
Disgusted Happy Cats
Tonbridge Wells
Actually I don't think its a reflection on society at all. Its a reflection on those that resent Societies view on things and its want to keep things in check. i.e censorship.
Censorship- A good thing!
Col. Happy Cats
Tonbridge Wells
Quote by Happy Cats
Well, I think it is outrageous, a poor reflection on todays society, what if her parents were watching?
Disgusted Happy Cats
Tonbridge Wells

I wish to complain about the recent complaint from a Mr Happy Cats of Tonbridge Wells.... he is obviously an imposter, as the Happy Cats i met was a miserable bastard and not happy at all... nor was he cat.
A Postie
Quote by Happy Cats
Censorship- xxxxxx ]!
Col. Happy Cats
Tonbridge Wells
Even worse Postie, he's masquerading as a colonel! Wait till Bilko sees, HC will be court martialled :shock:
I wish to complain about a Postie from Sidcup who has complained about a certain Col. Happy Cats who had complained about a lady called kinga who put a Bottle of the wine variety up her *censored*. This kind of wanton disregard for the sexually liberal of our nation is a disgrace. i for one would very much like to say that complaints have no palce in our society.
A rather disappointed.
Lord Garry of Drury
I wish to say that I now have headache because of all the bloody complaints lol
Quote by freckledbird
Even worse Postie, he's masquerading as a colonel! Wait till Bilko sees, HC will be court martialled :shock:

Thats terrible.... impersonation of a miltary figure on SH is an offence..i'm telling Sgt Bilko too...
Leuitentant Brigadier Generalissimo Postie (for life)
Wel, I for one, shall be writing a particularly strong worded letter to the Telegraph!
Society is breaking down!
Col. Happy Cats (Ignoring populist lower ranked minnions)
Quote by Happy Cats
Wel, I for one, shall be writing a particularly strong worded letter to the Telegraph!
Society is breaking down!
Col. Happy Cats (Ignoring populist lower ranked minnions)

lmfao lol
The Telegraph eh? Well I'll send mystrong-worded letter to the independent, we'll see then. I may be 21, but I know how to complain and write strong-worded letters already.
The Signee
Quote by postie
Even worse Postie, he's masquerading as a colonel! Wait till Bilko sees, HC will be court martialled :shock:

Thats terrible.... impersonation of a miltary figure on SH is an offence..i'm telling Sgt Bilko too...
Leuitentant Brigadier Generalissimo Postie (for life)
So, that would be LBG Postie?
As in lesbian bi gay Postie? :giggle:
I too have only seen the clip that was available here and I agree with Misschief - she seemed/said that she had stuffed a bottle up her fanny. Now I have no problem with people putting things up their various orrifices - as has been said this is the SH forum and we can disuss these things here thank God.
I do however have a problem with this utter rubbish being shown on a national TV channel - not for what she did but simply because it leads to a lowering of society standards. What anyone one (or two/three) do/does in privacy is OK by me but I do not want it forced upon me through national TV.
Maybe she IS a wild person - or maybe it was planned and now it has the desired effect in that everyone is talking about it and will watch the next episode of BB (not available here thank fcuk) so the ratings go up?
I willwatch this space and see what happens but I will bet anyone that the young lady involved will get some deal from the press or porn industry to do it all again.
I see it as a raising of standards. Finally, someone has come out and admitted they masturbate, and have the openness, self confidence and broad-mindedness not to be put off doing it on national TV if they felt like it. The world would be a much better place if things like this were not controvertial!