I'd probably take a page out of my first ex-husband's second wife's book (did you get that?) and shoot a lot more people....
Other than that, no. All the heartache, heartbreak, trials and tribulations are what has made me who I am today. I like me as I am today.
But if I could control the future, now there's an idea :twisted:
it is very difficult because good and bad things are so closely interwoven......i am a single guy but do have a daughter , that is the light of my life. her mother caused me lots of grief and heartache at one point in my life.......but could never turn back the clock because without meeting her i would not have my wonderful daughter.
In the end i think i would just say i have learnt to take what comes my way and try to make the most of it.
Just like to agree with you mate it was a cracking film very well thought out.
As for life changing events well I wouldnt change a thing....
Everythings coming up Millhouse
knowing what i know now... i'd have probably go back and do more drugs at uni.
i think it is a really strange concept to even imagine....... i have made mistakes in my life and have cocked up big time on more occasions then i care to remember......BUT.....saying that i would not change anything...as all the bad times and problems in our lives not just mine make us who we are, better stronger people..who are able to deal with worse problems as they arise!!! so i like to take what life has thrown at me on the chin and laugh! the best cure all i believe.
soph and nige
sing.... 3 is the magic number!!
Hard to say because the real consideration is how would the changes affect the rest of your life?
I would be tempted to change the medical hassles I've had over the years as removing them wouldn't result in me NOT meeting any of the important people in my life ... however, the things we experience make you what you are today, some things which are bad make you a stronger, wiser and hopefully a better person as a result. I'm probably still a git though :lol2:
... But part of me also thinks that a lot depends on the type of person you are inherently and how you react to adversity is already within you. For instance, I used to work with 2 people who went through similarly difficult experiences, one through drugs, both of them ended up living rough on park benches etc but pulled themselves together to hold down responsible jobs. One of them was the nicest person you could possibly meet, very bright, cheerful, popular ... the other one, also very bright but very bitter and carried a huge chip around with her.
Boy, can I waffle ... :sleeping:
HarryO, you're absolutely right, of course.
I can't remember the proper quote of Chaos Theory - I'm sure you can?? Something about the flapping of a butterflies wing can cause a global tidal wave or something.... errrrmmm, the basis of chaos , I think, is "the sensitive dependence on initial conditions".
Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that, yes, while Chas Theory and the Butterfly Effect may seem to have nothing to do with Ashton Kutcher running back and forth in time, in this film it is relevant. The idea that one tiny event (the flapping of a butterfly's wing or, in this case, going back in time to change one singular event) can cause so much change is basically what the film is saying.
Phew! I know, I know I'm really crap at putting things into words. Contrary to what you might think, I do actually think about what I'm typing before I type it. I'm just crap at expressing myself! Anyone want to attempt to translate all my posts for me?
Never seen the film, but me and Mrs RSAB2 have talked about such things and agree that 'life' is 1/2 choice 1/2 chance. If we could go back then yes maybe we would change the odd decision or 2. However the decisions we made were (probably) the best at the time and could have had the knock on effect of changing the 'chance' element..... Would I change anything "Hell NO"!!!
Phew .....deep....very deep.....
Mr & Mrs RSAB2 xxx :angel: