I have just wrote a "fucking awesome" thread (quoting myself is a show of my self obsessed thread today BTW).
It's on the Cafe for anyone who would like to see a literary masterpeice of a thread in all it's glory. Yes there may be spelling mistakes and a dash of incorrect grammar but it's still class, "sticky worthy" is a thought that springs to mind

I'm being a bit "tounge in cheek" for anyone who has not read between the lines and thinks I'm the most omnipetant (all powerful for the uneducated

Have you ever written a thread you think is just absolutely awesome but has got little recognition or few replies?
Or.....have you read a thread and thought "that is fantastic?" (other than mine obviously :twisted

This is the opportunity for you and your forgotten or unnapreciated thread to shine and enjoy the glory that it should have recieved by those who didnot have the good taste or sense to recognise it's genius or merit.
Or for those sickophantic types who want their SH pals to have their 15 minutes of fame, nominate you favourite thread. The one that sticks in your memory as being superb.
If this has been done before then I'm sorry, but as i'm feeling so elated due to my phenomenal thread (which you can all vote for on "thread idol" by ringing 0845 blah blah blah calls charged at local rate, mobile calls will be higher) I won't even check :lol:
It also gives me the opportunity to read some much needed great threads without having to search through millions of old threads.
So "THREAD IDOL" begins......