By the way Amber, please feel free to continue your little discussion here in this thread, i'm sure the gods will make an exception in your case.
That is just wrong very wrong
Well Drewxcore, I feel truly chastised. I am indeed a lovely person, however you may forgive my sardonic response, I'm sorry that I'm stealing your thunder in such a 'learned' thread that you are collecting from a book on your lap, and then admonishing everyone else to not use google at their 'peril'.
With an acerbic wit like yours you have seen me off!
:twisted: Mwa ha ha ha ha
err excuse me but isn't there a post missing :shock:
Ball dancing is a form of ritualistic trance dancing where the participant has balls, bells, weights, and/or fruits sewn or hooked to the skin. Over a period of many hours, the participant dances and the weights slowly tear out—if this happens too quickly the ecstatic trance state will not be reached—with the hope of bringing them to a transcendent state, though it should be noted that traditionally the weights were usually a fruit of some sort and these were not meant to be torn out instead the fruit would slowly shrivel and dry and then another piece would be added.
Emetophilia is a sexual fetish in which an individual is aroused by vomiting or observing others vomit. When emetophiles put emetophilia into practice by actually vomiting, especially on a partner, it is called a Roman shower, after the supposed frequent induction of vomiting at Roman feasts.
Symphorophilia: arousal from arranging a disaster, crash, or explosion
Well I read the cappoccino thread.........................
I likes bubbles in me drink :grin: