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The Fence Has Gone!

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The fence has gone! :shock:
The fence that held one of my most embarrassing yet cherished memories has been taken down and replaced with a side wall to an extension.
I am gutted. sad
Every time I went past that fence I had a chuckle and thought back to a time gone by.
(drifts back to that time)
It was a Wednesday, on an early summer evening I believe. I was 23-24 years old and had spent an enjoyable evening with my friend. We had grown up together and known each other since we were 4 years old at pre-nursery play group. We still lived quite close to each other, so I often left the car at home and nipped around on my bicycle. On this particular evening we had sat in her garden and shared a few beers as we planned a holiday. Our conversation soon turned to the opposite sex and we discussed who was on our hot-list. “That Kenny is a babe. We were giving each other the eye in the pub last Friday”. “His mate said Kenny was asking about you”. “Is he still seeing the one that works at the Co-op?” “No! She went off with Andy’s  “Next chance I get I am making a move on him then”
And so the conversation went on - to slightly more filthy graphic details. :twisted:
The night came upon us and after one last beer we said our good-nights and I left to make my way home on my bike.
Down to and along the high street, past the park and on to a narrow stretch of road. As with most mountain-bike owners at that time, the pavement was a preferred cycling route. I mounted the curb and turned into a small side street that cut through to my street. As I turned the corner, who should I see coming towards me on his bike…. Kenny!
My heart fluttered for a moment. :inlove:
Then I realised we would pass each other on an extremely narrow stretch of pavement. :shock:
All of a sudden I began to feel the effects of the beer! :crazy:
I slowed slightly, but the reduction in speed made me less stable. The more I became conscious of the wobble to my handlebars the worse it became and the less control I had. Kenny was becoming ever closer. Keep your calm gal – steady yourself and look relaxed.
I edged closer to the fence – the last thing I wanted to do (or so I thought) was to run into him and look a complete fool. rolleyes
Our front wheels were just about to pass, when suddenly my handlebars flicked around to the right. I had moved so close to the fence that I had caught my handlebars on one of the overlapping fence panels. My wheel turned into the fence. The bike came to a sudden and complete standstill. I did not!
The next thing I am clear on happening was looking up from the other side of the fence through a holly bush as Kenny asked “Are you OK?” It was at this point I realised Kenny’s face was framed by my feet. I was head first in a holly bush with my legs stuck up over the fence.
“I am fine” I replied “Erm, erm, erm, just got a touch of cramp” redface
“Let me help you out” he offered. There was no way on earth I was getting out of that bush in a state of total embarrassment with him still standing there. So, I explained I wanted to wait a while to get rid of the crap.
Go away (I prayed) just as I heard a car pull up. “Who’s feet are those?” asked a voice from the car. Kenny replied “It’s that bird from the pub”. Oh great – it is his mate and now they are going to stop and have a discussion.
“Are you sure I can’t help you out?” asked Kenny, peering over the fence.
“No” I replied “Honestly I am fine here for a bit. You just carry on” (please leave now, please, please, please).
I became aware of a warm and wet sensation down my right arm and realise half of my sleeve was still attached to a 6 inch nail sticking out of the inside of the fence.
Blood gushing from the side of my wrist, legs akimbo over the fence, scratched to high heaven by my head first decent into the holly bush, I now listened to the two guys talk about who was in the five-a-side football team for the next 5 minutes (which seemed like 24hrs).
“Is she coming out of there?”
At last Kenny took one final peek over the fence and said “Well if you are sure you are OK, I’ll be off then”
I gave it a couple of minutes just to be sure they had gone and scrambled back over the fence.
Was this one of the most embarrassing experiences of my life – Yes, but it had also become one of my fondest memories and now the embarrassment is long gone and I see the totally funny side of the event. lol
I will miss that fence.
it's a real shame when things that hold dear memories disapear, i went back to my old "home" town, a while ago...i almost cried when i saw the changes, so many memories there.
(<<<<<<<<<sobs into his tea)
OMG i couldn't read for laughing, sorry i was just picturing u layed there lol
awww u should find out who took the fence and pinch a bit and put it in a frame lol
Quote by naughtynymphos1
OMG i couldn't read for laughing, sorry i was just picturing u layed there lol

I felt the same every time I went by it wink :lol:
Quote by teppic
it's a real shame when things that hold dear memories disapear, i went back to my old "home" town, a while ago...i almost cried when i saw the changes, so many memories there.
(<<<<<<<<<sobs into his tea)

Yeah, but nostalgia isn't what it used to be...
Quote by Wishmaster
it's a real shame when things that hold dear memories disapear, i went back to my old "home" town, a while ago...i almost cried when i saw the changes, so many memories there.
(<<<<<<<<<sobs into his tea)

Yeah, but nostalgia isn't what it used to be...
how very true...
i remember when..........................
Quote by welshBIcouple
But did you ever get it on with kenny?

Quote by PoloLady
So, I explained I wanted to wait a while to get rid of the crap.

No wonder you wanted to wait until he went!! rotflmao :rotflmao:
Oh PL rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Absolutely classic :rotflmao: Such a shame the fence had to go, like wiping out a little bit of history!!! sad :bounce:
You shoulda kept a piece, shoved a little plaque on it and, hey presto! A great conversation piece hanging in yer lounge :twisted:
Quote by westerross
So, I explained I wanted to wait a while to get rid of the crap.

No wonder you wanted to wait until he went!! rotflmao :rotflmao:
:laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove:
xxx fem xxx