Will be held on This will be the last munch ever. :shock: :shock: :shock:
The venue will be Milliways.
If you'd like to attend you'll need to be known a bit here in the forum so's I know you're an established member. Don't worry though, you've got plenty of time yet. :twisted:
I'm confident there'll be a good turnout and the evening will go with a bang! :bounce: :bounce:
The usual crowd are all invited of course
Newbies (and that means anyone who joins the site after October 13th 8750) can ask for an invite but will be disappointed, so sorry but don't ask. :huh:
Details on how to get there will follow nearer to the time. :wink:
Can this be made a Sticky please? :grin: :grin:
Oh! Not sure if this should be in LMU or anywhere for that matter