How can you convince someone, you are who you say you are. I am having a problem with a certain person on here who I am planning to meet for the first time soon, that I am who I say I am.
I have not tried to deliberately mislead said person and have sent several pictures of myself for viewing. Now I am being told that all the pictures I have sent are different and that my avatar is not me .. well I thought that was obvious.
I am being accused of lying to this person and I am feeling quite upset as I really don't know how to convince this person I am genuine.
Can people who know me perhaps post that I am kosher.
Also how would you deal with this situation, if you were the one being told you are suspect.
mayb this is there way of getting out of the meet, cos theyre chicken?? you also shouldnt have to keep trying to convince them, if they dont believe you fook em off!! i would xxj
to be honest i wouldnt bother continuing to talk to them after treatment like that!
sounds like after more explicet pics if they dont beleive bollocks move on there loss
Take a picture of yourself with a daily newspaper that clearly shows the date so they know its a current picture. Then remove a finger with a sterilised blade and post the two together, (I've seen this in films). Do this daily until they believe you. I kinda guess that this is only gonna work for 4-5 days cos removing the fingers from the other hand if they are still not convinced ain't gonna be easy on account of not being able to grasp the blade.
Other than that, don't bust a gut over it, folk need to take some things on trust and if they can't there isnt much else you can do
No i cant but i will find out myself one day soon x
Its the 6 inch stilettos that make all the difference