The guys have the Threads about Football Matches and Cup Finals..... or League Finals.............. so I thought it was about time that us girls had a girlie thread.......
So.............. Lets have a chat about knitting, cooking, cleaning, ironing !!!
Have been asked to add Chocolate, Wine, Men to the list of things to chat about !
I the washing and ironing...only I normally iron whilst watching the fottie on the telly....can i still be in the gang.
Hijack mode on
OI!! Big Dewi get your own signature matey!!
Hijack mode off
Minx xx
OK. have added Chocolate , Wine and Men to the subjects up for discussion.......
So who wants to go first..........................
I bagsy we start chatting about the men in your life or the life in your men !!!!
hmm... we left off talking about PMT and whats happening on East Enders...