What about this idea?
You get caught doing something naughty but fairly minor, you get locked up for 12 months.
Do it again and you get double that
Do it again and it's doubled again etc etc.
No parole, no letting out early for 'good behaviour', no perks, no satellite tv, pool tables etc etc
For more serious crimes, the initial sentence is longer but again doubled each time they reoffend.
It's the 'extras' that make life in the nick bearable and sometimes very cushy so take them away and remove early release policies and crims will soon think twice about doing it in the first place.
Harsh? Sue me!
Since we're up for good ideas.
Why don't we lock up a lot of people who haven't been found guilty of anything. Then take them to Court where they are found guilty but have already spent longer in prison than their sentance or innocent in which case innocent people have been locked up.
We could call it remand.
Not sure which Nazi said "better 100 innocent people are punished than one guilty person goes free"
in my case yes bored school kids, and fact a family that likes to run the area, apperntly a one parent dad who's in the pub, bookies, doing other things other than what his kids are doing, leting them run wild.. they are lacking windows in there house, so they must think its a in thing to have broken windows..
not that i wish it would happen to the person who moaned about fact i said i hate school hoildays, but odd how they broke up and now, people are geting things smashed, i am sure you would be as annoyed if happened to you... and as been know that most crime happens when kids are off school.... so i belive
I've created a monster :shock:
With everyones strong views on sentencing I just wondered whether anyone had considered becoming a Magistrate or was a Magistrate. If people did this perhaps they could change the punishment regime rather than just talking about it.
well that is your opinon, not one i well even agree with... just hope you take your own advice if and when you have children, and you have people knocking or even police, because your kids are out off control.. i belive it lies within the parents,
i was an out off control child but not to the effect i went smashing up peoples property, just the usually hanging around.. i did it because my mother spent many days sat in a pub.. instend off beng with her children... it was to late to correct her mistake.. but i has a mum to 3kids ensure there life style is better... this is my personal opinon not what others may think...
i do under stand shireen, my eldest as a really bad form off adhd , same as your child does stuff but she is 7 , statred fires when 4, but she knows its wrong only every breaks things in her home, never anywhere else.. there is nothing anyone can do for her other than keep her going she never sleeps,
. i would rather she did it in my house than someone else and if she did i would march her there and make her pay for the damge.. where's these kids havent owed up slim chance there dad knows, as my house is a main access way to shops, so can hardly miss the broken window.
as they say what goes around comes around, when there older see how they like it... proeprly not alot. goodluck with your child thou shireen
These two responses really question whether stiffer, harsher sentences would work.
Many crimes are also committed by drug addicts to pay for their habit. These people don't consider the consequences of their actions as the try to pay for their next fix. Clearly stiffer, harsher sentences wouldn't stop them either.
I don't claim to have answers but I am scared of knee jerk reactions that I would normally associate with right wing rent a quote politicians.
It is clear a solution needs to be found but I don't believe the birch, death penalty or longer sentences is it. We, as a society, must find a way of stopping people offend and to stop people re-offending.