Okay... I admit it... I have sold out to the great god that is "the iPhone"...I have turned to the dark side...Thought I would never end up being a mobile phone snob!
anyway....mine is coming on thursday... is there anyone that could advise me of any good (and preferably free) apps that you could point me in the direction of.....
thanking you in advance
"mobile phone snob" of tyneside
p.s kinda looking forward to it...but if you say it out loud to anyone.... I will so deny it and send the kneebreakers round...
I've had an iPod Touch for a couple of years now, and it's great for apps. I get all mine from iTunes... and it lists the free ones in order of popularity. There are hundreds!
Enjoy! :bounce:
I bet ya don't know what a text is though?
Orange are giving theses away free on contract xxx
Brucie dear chap....I have 500gig of music, that is about a zillion songs, but 16gig on a phone I would hazard at a guess would equate to what 7000 songs? Probably more.
When and how are you ever going to listen to the ammount of music on a phone? :shock:
8 gig is ample IF you wanted to put music on your phone....some do not.
The extra money is just so not worth it.
just to let you all know.. I got it.. loving it so far, if anyone can say me a weekend worth of typing and tell me how to copy my contacts over to my new phone (apparently the old save it from old sim - to old phone - to new sim doesn't work....)I will love you forever!!!
Fabs...Outlook express is one of the best ways to do this...
It worked when I did it this way.
Ha ha, glad Missy is getting the blame for introducing geocaching to SH.
I've been involved in the nerdy underground hobby for about 6 years.
ahh haa i got my iphone a few days ago, im a bit of a tehcno geek at times but did not want to change to o2, but now its on orange, well im happy as a pig in shit.
i love my iphone :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
I love mine too and with apps, there is something for everyone.