I can walk away.
Sometimes I choose not to, but it's not for the sake of having the last word - it's because another debatable point has been raised.
Quote by flower411
If you are discussing stuff with people and there is a difference of opinion, do you just have to have the last word ??
Or...can you walk away, confident that you have made your point and without the need to keep turning the same old points over and over until everybody else in the room or in your life or whatever gets so pissed off that they really really can`t be bothered to make a comment or have a discussion with you because they know for a fact that it will just descend into tit for tat "point scoring" arguments that achieve nothing !!
Or what ?? :lol:
Quote by Whipsnspurs
if i've made my point and i know i'm right then i see no point in carrying on. but what i hate is when people refuse to accept my point. if it's a personal opinion then it's not wrong to voice it. if it offends people you have to be willing to take the flack that may come your way as a result. in that case it may need further explanation.
sometimes though it makes no difference what you say, some people are just never going to see your side of it. i say what i do, if people misunderstand me i will try and say it in a way that helps them. but lets face it, no matter how you say things sometimes they just never can explain how you really feel.
Quote by Hibernian
if i've made my point and i know i'm right then i see no point in carrying on. but what i hate is when people refuse to accept my point. if it's a personal opinion then it's not wrong to voice it. if it offends people you have to be willing to take the flack that may come your way as a result. in that case it may need further explanation.
sometimes though it makes no difference what you say, some people are just never going to see your side of it. i say what i do, if people misunderstand me i will try and say it in a way that helps them. but lets face it, no matter how you say things sometimes they just never can explain how you really feel.
Quote by Peanut
This whole thread is moot.
Invariably the true last word is down to the Mod who locks the thread. :twisted:
Quote by flower411
This whole thread is moot.
Invariably the true last word is down to the Mod who locks the thread. :twisted:
Quote by flower411
This whole thread is moot.
Invariably the true last word is down to the Mod who locks the thread. :twisted:
Quote by blonde
Right .......... I am going to have the last word!!! :giggle:
Stop the arguements ........ Stop the nasty posts .... Stop being bloody awful to each other and start making the forums fun ......... like they used to be.
I joined for a giggle not the current SH*TE that seems to have become the norm!
So the last word from me is STOP! PLEASE
Quote by blonde
Right .......... I am going to have the last word!!! :giggle:
Stop the arguements ........ Stop the nasty posts .... Stop being bloody awful to each other and start making the forums fun ......... like they used to be.
I joined for a giggle not the current SH*TE that seems to have become the norm!
So the last word from me is STOP! PLEASE
Quote by Cherrytree
I think I've had my last word, or words for a while in the forums.
I used to love a good debate, I've started some contentious threads myself - but the way threads go these days, where what could have been a thought-provoking, maybe mind-changing debate turns into a nit-picking slanging match, well I can't be mithered to join in those any more.
Quote by noladreams30
Right .......... I am going to have the last word!!! :giggle:
Stop the arguements ........ Stop the nasty posts .... Stop being bloody awful to each other and start making the forums fun ......... like they used to be.
I joined for a giggle not the current SH*TE that seems to have become the norm!
So the last word from me is STOP! PLEASE
Quote by Theladyisaminx
This whole thread is moot.
Invariably the true last word is down to the Mod who locks the thread. :twisted:
Quote by Freckledbird
Right .......... I am going to have the last word!!! :giggle:
Stop the arguements ........ Stop the nasty posts .... Stop being bloody awful to each other and start making the forums fun ......... like they used to be.
I joined for a giggle not the current SH*TE that seems to have become the norm!
So the last word from me is STOP! PLEASE