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The longest you have gone without sex & coping with it

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Hello all, its now 4 weeks since the last time I had sex hump :shock: & yes I am getting a bit anxious :twisted:. But enough of my problems a question for you all what is the longest you have gone without :hump: (SEX) and how did you cope? Now as the Americans would say "have a nice day" "see ya'll"
We have now gone nearly 3 weeks without sex ....... and its driving us mad!
We are coping by still having lots of cuddles but it just aint the same!!!! :cry:
Quote by Heather
Three years... rolleyes

The biggest gift that GT has bestowed on me with his love is self-confidence... still not brill but a heck of a lot better than a year or so ago. If anything ever (please God forbid) went wrong between GT and me then I'd be out there like a shot looking for sex... :twisted: smile
The longest ive ever been was 3 weeks after having our eldest,due to stitches sad I coped by being sore and not having time anyway due to a newborn that didnt like sleeping at night confused
13 years. Well that is cheating really because I was 13 when I misplaced my virginity somewhere. rolleyes
The longest I've ever been without sex was while at Uni. Don't ask me how. It seemed everybody was but me sad I think that was when I played pool an awful lot. Sex or pool?
Sex God
6 years, managed with toys, divorced him in the end, his unreasonable behaviour, then took up swining 4 years ago, and never looked back since, and had lots of fun making up for lost time. With lots more to cum.! biggrin
Quote by OneoftheDamned4ever
Hello all, its now 4 weeks since the last time I had sex hump :shock: & yes I am getting a bit anxious :twisted:. But enough of my problems a question for you all what is the longest you have gone without :hump: (SEX) and how did you cope? Now as the Americans would say "have a nice day" "see ya'll"

Fecking cruel question.
I went 4 years once, honestly, it was absolutely terrible. biggrin
well, i was gonna say 17 years but matt beat to that gag.
longest was nearly four years after splitting with my first long term g/f. even though i was only 22 at the time, and horny as hell, i can't say as it mattered that much, cos i was too shy for one-night stands and it took ages before i even considered another relationship. i've got a high sex drive when i'm in a relationship, but out of one it just goes into hibernation i think, though i wouldn't wanna go more than a few months these days. biggrin
neil x x x ;)
3 months.....
But the drought has just ended...whooo whooo! :taz:
Warming the Bed
We recentl went 2 weeks and it felt like a life time! lol
I have to agree with Lazeeboy this is one cruel question.
In fact not having someone to be with in that way last night was bad enough for me.I don't mean that in a purely selfish out there somebody who I've never met/who's never met me needed me that old adage that she is probably a Yak Shepherdess in Tibet or her a laptop is something made out of yakskin that keeps your knees warm.
There is no off switch to this yearning,short of when we're called to that Swinging Heaven in the sky - but enough of the Mile High Club.
I suppose whats hard about this question for me is I feel this gift - and it is a gift,a gift we each have - this gift is our great pleasure and our great pain - you can use it well,abuse it badly or not get to use it at all.I've been through all three of those.
It feels a terrible waste when its not at all.
What was that recent US film,didn't see it,where the guy has to go 40 days and nights without sex for some sort of bet.I thought that was so patronising to men and women.
In fact it can be hard to go for 40 hours without since the last 40 months.
At first I thought when people put up its been three weeks ,thats laughable - but then Clare reminds us of what women go through bearing children.
Painful periods/The PMT/The menopause/Pregnancy,Childbirth,Child-rearing etc - no wonder girls just wanna have fun!
I suppose thats why men go off and kick a ball - or another go to the moon,the same moon that pulls on the tides,tthe same tides that women feel land on the moon whereas she IS the moon - crikey!
Being single male on here 9,853 means it can be difficult to be noticed/chosen - just ask the other 9,852! - but thats the way of the all know - mope and the World DOES NOT mope with ,rub some baby oil into those rippling muscles lads and dare to hope!None of us should have to count the days,months,weeks,years because the hour is pleasure of the next dance could be mine. wink
Anything after about 5 days and I get really really annoyed and need it, but I got myself a wee toy on thusday so that helps a bit in between!! biggrin
Forum Virgin
6 months for me and my flat mate (at different times) luckily thats all ended (for both of us)
Just over nine years from 1993 - 2002. During the early part I was still getting over a long term relationship, even though I was at Uni and I was working in various places I had no success with women, which added to my frustration. I didn't cope very well at all and as I was depressed anyway I just stayed depressed. I lost all my confidence in myself which didn't help. Like Neil says, after awhile hibernation mode sets in and you get on with other things. It's taken me years to bulid myself up again and I'm more confident now of course. Being on the internet and SH has helped with that process as I've met some special people and made some great friends. I'm certainly making up for lost time as well and it's good to be back on top...or er, underneath...or er...any position you like! wink
Quote by OneoftheDamned4ever
what is the longest you have gone without SEX

About five or six days.
Oh, sorry, did you mean with another person?
Sex God
about 18 months .....sad then I met Morbius ...... although through pregnancy and afterwards we hardly had anything :(
Sex God
Jon once had a posting to Antarctica for 10 months, so I was left at home going without :shock:
We came to a compromise though - I kept him supplied with mens mags every week (cost me a fortune in postage lol) and he bought a dildo for me from the ads in one of them redface lol
I think if he'd been there any longer I would have worn out my toy and he would have become over friendly with the penguins rotflmao
Quote by fruity1976
Anything after about 5 days and I get really really annoyed and need it, but I got myself a wee toy on thusday so that helps a bit in between!! biggrin

5days!!!! I get so annoyed and angry after 2days!!!
I also get the chocloate munchies, its the only way to cope!!!
Master of Sex
Quote by foxylady 123
5days!!!! I get so annoyed and angry after 2days!!!
I also get the chocloate munchies, its the only way to cope!!!

So that's why i like chocolate so much. Starving for one thing and eating something else ;)
Re LC's last give me hope as have certainly followed in your footsteps and now want to make up for lost time. Not thinking that's gonna happen here though - it was the 100 (men ) to 1 woman (or none) situation that deprived me of my confidence in the first place (not to mention, social skills!).
2 1/2 years of voluntary celibacy which ended shortly before I joined SH. It didn't bother me TBH. As time went by, it became less and less important.
Quote by blueis
5days!!!! I get so annoyed and angry after 2days!!!
I also get the chocloate munchies, its the only way to cope!!!

So that's why i like chocolate so much. Starving for one thing and eating something else ;)
Re LC's last give me hope as have certainly followed in your footsteps and now want to make up for lost time. Not thinking that's gonna happen here though - it was the 100 (men ) to 1 woman (or none) situation that deprived me of my confidence in the first place (not to mention, social skills!).
Have faith my son! If you stick around long enough, contribute to the forum, go to some munches you will have success. My social life has gone from 0.5 to 1000% in the space of a few short months. If I can do it then so can you. I've read your web link and you've got a sense of humour so develop that here. Join in and make some friends. This is the best place to be and it's free. You won't find any place better so you might as well get stuck in.
LC wink
3 1/2 years and counting. The first 3 years was in a relationship that ended (I think we wanted different things but neither of us could articulate them)
I have always had a high sex drive ever since I 'discovered' it and I'm starting to go crazy :crazy:
Oh my I thought I was the only one who is being forced to be celibate at the moment glad I am not :twisted: no joking honest. But some of the ladies here Clare and Marya damn girls your so sexy why would you not be having admirers knocking at your door I dont know or mabye you do and they just dont do it for you. Which I have the same problem sort of I just dont do it for the ladies oh well such is life. :upset:
If at first you don't succeed.....
I didn't have a girlfriend for three years in my mid to late twenties. I was quite happy that way at the time, as I was doing other things including saving up for a deposit on a flat. Also, in my early thirties, I did a three year part time course at college as well as a full time job and therefore I didn't have a lot of time to go out and meet people.
The last girlfriend I had was over a year ago, although I haven't really been looking since then. I am sure this will soon change, as I do not think I can keep this up for much longer!
Warming the Bed
When I was single (but having had sex), gosh.. gotta be a year or so.
Since married, Mrs VCee3 got Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and nothing happened for probably 18 months. Now we're expecting we've not really done anything for 6-8 weeks which is f.r.u.s.t.r.a.t.i.n.g...... but understandable obviously biggrin
Warming the Bed
Lost my viriginity at 38 ! Is that a record ?
But I'm making up for lost time now.
Quote by OneoftheDamned4ever
... But some of the ladies here Clare and Marya damn girls your so sexy why would you not be having admirers knocking at your door I dont know or mabye you do and they just dont do it for you ...

Thanks, chicken!
I was celibate voluntarily - it certainly wasn't 'cos I was short of offers. I just got to the point where I felt so messed about by the men I'd known, I'd started to think all men were like that.
I hadn't 'discovered' swinging at that point so I thought the only alternative to a relationship was one-night stands and that wasn't something I wanted.
It's now been more than 2 weeks since my recent 'drought' began. Not quite long enough for me to start climbing the walls. Not sure if that the 2 1/2 years of celibacy has made me 'stronger' or if I've lost my mojo sad
I went for 5 months last year, but now I tend to have to go 2 - 4 weeks in between :cry: It doesn't worry me most of the time but sometimes I feel like tearing my hair out - especially when I read "we've only had 27 shags this week" posts mad