I'm sure most have you will have seen the Marks and Spencer's food advert featuring that chocolate cake with the gooey chocolate cente and a nice dollop of cream.
Well after a wonderful night at the Derby social, we got up Saturday morning (well technically it was the afternoon) and our house guests were taking us to Derby to pick my car up.
Me to Dambuster "Oooh while we're in Derby shall we nip to M & S"
Blonde to me "If you're going for that chocolate cake don't bother - they've discontinued it!"
I was mortified!!!!
How can they advertise the gorgeously chocolatey culinary masterpiece and then not sell it? :x :x :x
Now Blonde tells me that the sales assistant she spoke to gets asked this everyday - so this got me thinking..... :idea:
If all the chocolate lovers on this site (and that's a hell of a lot) join in the "chocolate cake campaign" then maybe, just maybe they might bring it back. :happy:
So I ask everyone out there who's ever loved chocolate to contact Marks and Spencers email, phone or asked in person for this chocolatey goodness to be returned to the shelves.
Who's with me???