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the most important day of my life so far

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Good luck Rachel.....I haven't met you but can't wait to do so...
Go to that Doctor and show him the wonderful WOMAN that you are!!!
We spoke a while back hun
My thoughts are are with you = Good Luck.
Rachel, I don't know you either but was very moved by your post. I wish you the very best luck in dealing with this cruel trial. the only thing I can do in support I guess is not to take for granted the relative ease of my life and to be grateful for that. I wish you well in finding happiness xxx
Duncan - you might just want to note the tone of a thread and recognise when it is and isn't appropriate to bring up certain things, even if you do find them interesting. It is insulting to disregard Rachel's obvious life changing feelings and bang on about that other stuff.
hope you get what you want...
you only live life auditions
good luck
Although we dont know you either having said only a quick Hi at the Leciester mini munch we both thought you looked lovely. Hope everything goes great for you today.
I'm late to this thread (as usual) cos Judy kept me up til gone 5am chatting (again) rolleyes wink :wink: :wink: ..... but I hope all goes well for you today. If they give you shit, just tell them that you will send Blue after them..... lol :lol: :lol: :lol: .
I'm soooooo looking forward to seeing you again on Saturday :lol:
Good Luck and all the best biggrin
Hope everything goes to plan and you are Happy
don't honestly think you will need it, coz you strong enough on your own...but hey good luck anyway.
This I'm sure will be one step in the right direction....and with plenty more steps to follow...but you just keep on walking and in the end you will find that end of the rainbow !!!
Ok so here goes. I woke up at five thirty this morning to a glorious day the sun was out and I was full of beans and more confidant than I have ever been in my entire life. Had my breakfast, a good nice soak in the bath, and dolled myself up, yes I looked hot as fuck if I do say so myself ( the power look ) yes I was on a mission, But off I went to meet Mr I know what’s best for you. I sat in the waiting room thinking this will be the same old same old what have you been doing since your last 6 monthly appointment. Have you worn the 50’s style pleated skirt, blouse and broach? Ok see you in 6 months now bugger off. (Yeah what ever!!) Do you know what year this is Mr Doctor? Give me a break lord for fooks sake. So we sat down and I had to do all the b.s telling him what I’ve done since the last visit. If only he knew (lmao).
We ran through all the normal how’s the hormones are they working ok, am I having side effects etc, do I still get errections ( nooo of course not!! Heehhehe ) how’s my nails, am I loosing head hair, typical run of the mill stuff. But then he hit with me explaining about sustain things regarding pre surgical matters, which I wont go into at this time due to it being not that important, but important enough to know he had a plan. He then asked me if I have any questions regarding how things are going, here was my moment to explain that although I do agree with the Harry Benjamin standards of care and that it is a 2 year real life test, the standards can be bent to suit each individual case and that I felt I was being held back by the system, and have been ready to deal with what ever life throws at me, which I’ve been ready from day one. He then hit me with, you have been discussed in the last meeting of the gender funding panel, we are all discussed on each 3 monthly meeting but my case was top of the agenda. So in 6 months time I will be going back
To see if the panel has awarded my funding, which it will be (yeah joy!!).
So I have 6 months to get as healthy as I can, loads of exercise, cycling, running, good food which I do anyway no fags ( boo) and less drinking ( boo crap pants lol ) to get me in shape for the big 6-8 hour operations plus 3-6 months recovery ( gowd 6 months with out sex) nightmare!!. But I didn’t even have to wear the paratrooper’s boots at all, I can’t believe it!! I’m happy as punch, and just about to start my birthday early ( getting lashed in other words lol ) thank you to all that’s given me encouragement, I wasn’t looking for hugs, kisses or any of the stuff. I just thought id tell you a bit about what I have to go through and do a serious thread for once because lets face it I do talk some rubbish on here lol. I’m so chuffed today yea joy!
p.s can i get to posting crap now ? oh good lol lol wink :twisted:
Sorry for not being able to post to on this subject sooner, but I for one (even though we have not met) am so glad things are turning out well for you.
Too many times folk mock, try to put others down or are just plain scared of the realities that some of us this great planet are not the 2.4 children, semi detached house & a couple of dogs type of people.
Just think even through all their ignorance you have triumphed so stick 2 fingers upto the world tell them to shove it & live your life how YOU want to.
The WHOOSH Manâ„¢
I for one, could not have the resolve, determination and bravery to achieve my goals the way you have.
I dont not have the slightest understanding of why, but that doesnt matter, I have to admire your balls!
However, perhaps not for much longer!
Good luck to you!
Quote by SlydeWHOOSH
Sorry for not being able to post to on this subject sooner, but I for one (even though we have not met) am so glad things are turning out well for you.
Too many times folk mock, try to put others down or are just plain scared of the realities that some of us this great planet are not the 2.4 children, semi detached house & a couple of dogs type of people.
Just think even through all their ignorance you have triumphed so stick 2 fingers upto the world tell them to shove it & live your life how YOU want to.
The WHOOSH Manâ„¢

oh belive me WHOOSH bring on sparkle ill be there with my big fairy wings on my back with all me ickle muckers going bonkers!! , thats a point i need to order my wings!!
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Brilliant news. I'm soooooooooooooooooooo pleased for you lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Fantastic news.
I know people will agree that you need to be extremely brave and extremely focused to make this kind of life altering decision and see it through.
I'll keep my fingers, toes and anything else crossed that you dont become a statistic but the wonderful, beautiful woman that you are inside.
Thats just absolutely fabulous news Rache :bounce: !!
Having met you, I can see how determined you are and how important this is to you, your so committed and well balanced :yinyang: too, and hope that you get all the luck you deserve with your ops. Your a special person and im glad ive met you. :rose:
If you ever need any help or support, you know where I am..... :high-smile:
Well done that girl! You went there in the right frame of mind completely!
Hope you blew their socks off!
Goin far, reachin up and getting there .......
Is it too early to post that 'underwear I'd like to see Rache in' thread? or would I just look like a perv?
Buy ya a drink or seven on Saturday - no gin though eh? :uhoh:
Cathy x
Mmmmmmm bliss!
Can't wait to see you all the more now. You are such a babe - now you're a babe with a happy glow, ain't ya?
This news just rocks!
terrffic, wonderful, stupendous... so many words. we are truly happy for you and with you all the way, and here for you anytime!!!
:happy: :happy: :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled:
bring on the sparlkers and the fairy wings...
Fantastic news - congratulations. biggrin
Pleased you're finally getting there.
Good luck with it Rache kiss
deep joy
bet the time wont pass fast enough for you know
That's fantastic news Rachel, I bet you are so relieved that todays appointment is over. Knowing you personally I have heard your story and you have explained to me what you have to go through as a TS. I don't think most people realise just how difficult the process is, especially when you are up against doctors with rather out-dated ideas. I know how much today means to you and I'm so pleased it went well. Here's wishing you all the very best for your future.
good luck , special love n kisses ,H`red n Dino . xxx ps , see you at wigan biggrin
Hi Rachel hunny.....
I am sooo sooo pleased today went well for you i must admit to watching this thread all day to see how it went for you hunny.
Bring on the sparkles, wings and wotever this ladie wants.... coz i think you deserve all you want babe
Hope to see you again soon (maybe this time get to talk to you)
Pauline xxxxxxxxxxxx
NICE ONE Rachel started reading your reply and didn't realise I was holding my breath until about half way down, been looking in all day for your news WELL DONE so pleased for you :happy: :happy: :happy: ok now go back to posting crap, enough aready wink
:love: xxx
Fantastic news Rachel.
I'm so pleased for you, I can't for one minute imagine what you've had to go through but to be able to see the light at the end must be great for you. passionkiss
another step in the right direction...keep focused and keep determinded.....that finishing line is almost in view...
Thats great news Rachel......its great that someone has some good news to celebrate.
I can only just begin to imagine how big and important this is for you let alone begin to understand.
Heres to the next six months :cheers: ooops sorry your cutting down :twisted:
Rachael, im so pleased for you,( even if i have spelt your name wrong). your post has been on my mind all day and ive been trying to figure out how to reply to it!!
Your on your way to doing with your life what you want to and thats more than most people ever do. Your fortunate in that you know what you want and it looks like your on you way to getting it. I wish you well just promise me and everyone else that you wont let anyone tell you how to live your life? you owe it to yourself
The doc is there for a purpose , to stop those who arnt as strong in their knowledge of themselves committing a grave and costly mistake, he s no there to stop people like you who know what they want/need and where they are going
Take care and may you get everything you wish for
thats fantastic news sooooooo pleased for you.......just think....six months time and we will be identical twins lol
if you need a givin up smokin buddy.....just shout!!
loadsa luv
Kim xxx