Locked office, during work hours, someone even knocked on the door...
On the bosses desk in the early afternoon (yep, after a pub lunch!) while the boss was in a meeting and the rest of the staff were in and working.
The girlfriend at the time was my bosses clerical assistant.
Luckily it didn't take me TOO long (the excitement I guess!!!) so no one knocked at his closed door for those few precious minutes.
His paperwork and things got a little, misplaced, which he questioned my girl-friend about later, and she was paranoid that he would see the sweaty little bum print on his polished wood desk!!!
Aren't office romances fun?!!!
Littlemee - not a Rush fan by chance?
Well I have three
Cemetery - the worst place. It was really quite scary for me, but a huge turn on for her – the things we men do to keep women amused.
Green Park in London on a hot afternoon. It was really quite weird because quite a few couples were at it and all trying to be discreet. Amazing the number of variations used to be discreet.
In the Indian Ocean. Wow – absolutely amazing. Could never get the same sensation in our coastal waters, to bloody cold.
Mine was at the top of a mountain in Switzerland. On top of this mountain is a Church (forgive me Lord for I have sinned).
The church has a flat roof and my ex and I were up there at dusk......the twinkling lights of the villages, surrounding the lake below....the warm temperature of July......her rounded arse in front of me.........Well, it seemed rude not to.......then when i had finished I laid her on the bench and gave her oral!
Hehehee I repent my sins!!!! as if!!!!
I used to work at the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden and we managed a quickie in the Royal Box once ... there wasn't an opera on at the time, though.
How about in a boot? yes a boot!
it was a kid's playground in a pub garden, we climbed in late one night and off we went!
With my ex in the car on a country lane, late at night, being watched by 2 policemen who had pulled over next to my car without us realising. They were having a very good perv into to the car. We realised someone there looked at them and they just smiled. I cracked up laughing and the girlfriend never moved so fast in her life.
probably in a park on valentines day with my ex on a picnic table and being caught by my mates dad walking his dog.
Certainly made it an adrenaline rush as i didnt realise he was there till i cum and saw him.
In a fully equipped dungeon:
Makes my toes curl again, just thinking about it! :twisted:
The most unusual place I have had a shag was at a cinema in Northampton where I used to live....................Whats so unusual I hear you ask................well it was unusual because it was on the stool of the Cinema Organ at the front!......................the cinema was empty at that time by the way.............but man, it was cold too!
Just to bring this topic to the top of the pile again. The most unusual place I had a liason was in a 44 year old ladies bedroom in Shipley near Leeds. What's unusual about that then? I hear you ask. This was before the days of mass internet connection and this was someone I started chatting to on a telephone dating line at just after midnight one bank holiday weekend. As things got a little more interesting I suggested I could come up and see her sometime. No time like the present. So at , with a full tank of petrol, I set off from Middlesex up the motorway to Shipley, did the business a couple of times and then back down the motorway by 7am and back home again. A round trip of 380 miles for a quick shag. Beat that!! Lol.
On the wicket of Durham Cricket Ground
And in the corridor in one of my University's colleges...