accesory ..a robitic dog that your i pod sits on and dogs lights /eyes flash in time to music
and tail wags
alledgedly on sale 15th Oct
get in quick for this one as xmas prezzie for the kids
Quote by Sexysteph
I still reckon the Nokia as doctored by Marms takes some beating....
After all their tag line is "Connecting People"
Cue Marms do yer stuff hunni - pic please - I cant get the hosting thing :wink:
Quote by marmalaid
Have you got me on MSN block send it over and I'll get it up....
Quote by equi-princess
Dont bother with the little flashing dog that sits on the ipod....... go for the docking station for ipod..... or.... the in-car connection for ipod...... so much better and will last longer than small, inferior, plastic, flashing, canine figurine....
equi-princess xxx
Quote by blonde
Have you got me on MSN block send it over and I'll get it up....