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The next President of the USA

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I've just heard a very worrying article on the radio. It was about the candidates to be the next leader of the Repulican party in America. The winner has a good chance of being the next President or possibly the President after that.
What disturbed me was that 8 out of the 10 candidates didn't believe in evolution.
I know that politiciansd are tricky customers and have been known to tell fibs. If this is the case they are saying this to get votes. In which case a large number of people in America believe in creationalism. That is the world was created as stated in the Bible and that Darwinism is bunk.
Am I alone in finding this scary?
I saw a documentary quite recently about how American politicians suddenly started going to church and becoming part time preachers etc to gain votes. I found it very disturbing indeed.
Quote by Kiss
I saw a documentary quite recently about how American politicians suddenly started going to church and becoming part time preachers etc to gain votes. I found it very disturbing indeed.

It is good practice, for later.
Here is the gospel according to the White House.rolleyes
Follow me, I am ?,000 miles behind you. Where is Iraq anyway.
The media is full of horror stories about muslim extremists but the right wing christens seem just as bad.
Possibly all religious extremists are scary
except of course as I'm sure Kiss will point out extreme Budists.
Quote by keeno
The media is full of horror stories about muslim extremists but the right wing christens seem just as bad.
Possibly all religious extremists are scary
except of course as I'm sure Kiss will point out extreme Budists.

Buddhism isn't actually a religion. wink
Quote by Kiss
The media is full of horror stories about muslim extremists but the right wing christens seem just as bad.
Possibly all religious extremists are scary
except of course as I'm sure Kiss will point out extreme Budists.

Buddhism isn't actually a religion. wink
As I typed this I knew I would fall foul of something. Damn you extreme Budists :wink: biggrin
don't dis a buddhist.... we'll Aum Yo Ass!
Two things made me smile about this thread … first was the reminder of the classic graffiti line “kill all extremists” and second was the reminder of the caption bit at the end of Have I Got News for You – the one with Trevor MacDonald. The picture was of two orang-utans fully clothed with a bearded gent between them and one of the panel put forward “meeting of the Darwinian society” … well I thought is was funny … at the time redface
On the religious beliefs of the potential next American president; it is worrying that reasoning for arguments will be based on hearsay rather than evidence ……….. on second thoughts isn’t that what we get with Blair and Bush anyway??
i wasted my 100th post on that .... and this .... somehow confused
I try to be moderate in all things. Including moderation therefore have have to have some extreme views. My extreme views are on extremists.
Quote by keeno
I've just heard a very worrying article on the radio. It was about the candidates to be the next leader of the Repulican party in America. The winner has a good chance of being the next President or possibly the President after that.
What disturbed me was that 8 out of the 10 candidates didn't believe in evolution.
I know that politiciansd are tricky customers and have been known to tell fibs. If this is the case they are saying this to get votes. In which case a large number of people in America believe in creationalism. That is the world was created as stated in the Bible and that Darwinism is bunk.
Am I alone in finding this scary?

After the mess that George.W has made there is little chance of a republican being the next president.....The only thing I see helping the republicans would be a serious "Hilary" backlash
but it was interesting that it did come up in the Republican Candidates Debate last night... I don't think the number is as many as 8 of the 10... think it was 3 or 4 of them.....but one of the or 2 of the candidates are ordained ministers so they were not going to say anything else.........
I think this may possibly be due to the fact that America was founded on the back of the Masonic Movement, to date all but 3 of the presidents have been high ranking practicing Masons.
Masons believe in a Grand Architect of the Universe and as such, evolution is something that would be impossible in this instance.
Most political powers leaders are practicing Masons so it would follow that this was the ethos of that persons viewpoint on the existence of mankind and the human species!
Ive found that most Americans are far more vocal with regard to their religious beliefs.
Martin Luther Kings close friend Rev Jesse Jackson stood as a candidate for leadership of one of the parties
But politicians in the UK are seen at religious events(rememberance day service)etc
Its seen as a duty to attend events such as that
Quote by the_tongue
But politicians in the UK are seen at religious events(rememberance day service)etc
Its seen as a duty to attend events such as that
We have a duty to remember the fallen, but not to make a statement of religious belief.
I am not a religious man. I do not believe in God or an afterlife. However, I like to think that I am a moral man. Because of the way I was brought up many of my moral beliefs coincide with those of Christenity and possibly other religons. I find it personaly distasteful to see politicians using religon as tool to increase their popularity and religious leaders using religon to subugate people and attack others.