Went to a meet arranged on this site in a hotel near an airport that was meant to have at least 10 people in attendence - can you believe that only 3 turned up !!
Seriously people it just proves that people are jerking themselves off at the thought of the meet but can be arsed to drag themselves away from the pc to get naked with a very willing lady
Wish i hadn't locked three of my flatmates out the house and had to leave after an hour and a half cos there was fun to be had for hours
It's unbeleivable that people spend hours trawling for meets then don't show - their loss!!
I arranged a meet last month where i had something from 10-12 people all ready to show up. I was arranging it with a guy i chat to online. On the actual day. 3 people showed up and that didnt include the co-host. . we all still had a great time but the timewaster and ignorant non-email repliers are getting worse........it pays to build up a little circle of people you reky on doesnt it. which is what i am doing/trying to do.........
Give me the chance, I will be there........................!!!!!
its quiet sad isnt it. the organiser goes to a hell of a lot of work to get people laid and then the guests bottle it
well i've never actually had a meet up yet with anyone, but if i said that i was going to be somewhere for a meet you can bet for sure i would actually be there! i think that there are alot of peeps on here who only come on for a cheep thrill, to see some naked pics and to have a cheeky wank over sexy correspondance! i sympathise with anyone who has organised something only to be screwed over by folk not turning up at the last minute!
oh and on another point, lissa, next time you organise something like that! please invite me! i'd be there with bells on! lol
we are a very genuine cpl, although it is admittedly me who uses the site these days, although we think the system mentioned would not work and could also be subject to flaws.
What if someone had a grudge with you? somebody with time on their hands wants to fuck about with the system etc?
Just feel it would be good in theory but not in practice.
Yes, I think this has been discussed and dismissed several times.
I might be pissed off if several people who had promised to turn up didn't, but I would certainly be uncomfortable with dragging them over the coals in public.
i also am a genuine virgin monk who tried to organise a meet at a nunnery where no one at all responded either by pm or email...zip...nada...no one......and 12 didnt turn up
sometimes it just baffles me
Its quite strange to hear about the no shows, I've been to a few Bukkake parties, albeit only two from this site but they were almost packed 10 instead of twelve, that sort of ratio.
Heres hoping that I haven't just jinxed myself ;-)
As for the rating system, couldn't SH try an ebay type rip off, it works for them and is't a personal attack either just a show score.
Heres to more turn outs, you've only to PM....
As a suggestion charge them all 50 quid at the emailing stage refundable when they show up.
Well, C'mon funkylincscpl,.
Share the excuses, I'm sure we could all do with a laugh.
Like you say, it could be a whole new game in the making, crapiest exuse wins ;-)
I mean one thing that i used to do .. was... (WITH PERMISSION) put down the profiles of people that i had met to prove that i was genuine for meeting up.. so if they wanted to ask what i was like... to contact the relevant user
however... this was shot down faster than a baloon in a hurricane