Well I must say I am amazed at the aparrent interest my post stirred up. Looks like for any number of reasons there is a strong interest in this subject. So with husbands blessing I have decided to give it a one off go, you only live once and what have I got to loose, certainly not my virginity! Will have to try an ad on the Lets Meet Up section and see if a young man is interested, will report back on outcome.
After the debate, hubby said we had better do something about making this happen. So answered a few ads and have chatted on ICQ late last night to a couple of young men. Both are interested but one seems to be more interesting somehow . Then hubby really made my nerves kick in, he mentioned that being 22 this chap is nine years younger than our youngest son! Panic!
A few of my first partners were women a good deal older than me. Which was really nice. I think one of the things that makes age differences work is that the older pertner can make good decisions and take some of the stress out of the relationship.
ive been seeking a mature lady 50 65 for ages doesnt seem to be many in that age group intersted in younger men thats a shame there arnt more maybe they are not confident enough to speak up but everyone has the own tastes and i guess if it floats your boat go with the flow lol
p.s maybe its because im to at 30 lol
A lot of this has to do with maturity of some not all younger men. Maturity is a state of mind.
I have been with a number of older women (I am 35 now). All have been great. I prefer business /professional women(Smart appearance intelligent). I suppose its the Mrs Robinson effect.
Younger women are nice too don't get me wrong just in different ways. Younger women for me is more physical, older women more of a mental attitude to sex. They tend to take the driving seat.
So if there any older women, profession in the North East or Midlands drop us a line.
You never know.
P.S i am a Graduate, if that help in your fantasy.
I've always been attracted to either younger or older woman.....I'm not sure why but there it is!
As for blokes wanting younger woman....look at it this way, while we're getting old and becoming ragged, we'll always have something pretty to look at!
Personally, I like the way the young lasses as they have loads of stamina which for me being an old fart works wonders!
I find them more confident and confidence is a turn on